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Bartomeus, I. et al. (2022). Base de datos de abejas ibéricas. Ecosistemas: 2380-2380. [doi | pdf | data: zenodo | github]

Zomer M, Moreira B, Pausas JG. (2022). Fire and summer temperatures interact to shape seed dormancy thresholds. Annals of Botany 129 (7): 809-816 [doi | pdf | data (figshare)] 


Fernandes A.F., Oki Y., Fernandes G.W., Moreira B. (2020). The effect of fire on seed germination of campo rupestre species in the South American Cerrado. Plant Ecology 222: 45-55 [doi | Springer]


Pinto, T., Moreira, B., Freitas, H., Santos, X. (2018). The role of fire history, land-use, and vegetation structure on the response of Mediterranean lizards to fire. Forest Ecology and Management, 419, 139-145. [ScienceDirect] [doi] [pdf]

Moreira B., Pausas J.G. (2018) Shedding light through the smoke on the germination of Mediterranean Basin flora. South African Journal of Botany 115: 244-250. [ScienceDirect] [doi] [pdf]


Pausas J.G., Alessio G.A., Moreira B., Segarra-Moragues J.G. 2016. Secondary compounds enhance flammability in a Mediterranean plant. Oecologia 180: 103-110. [Springer] [doi] [pdf] [ESM: table S1 (.csv)]


Moreira B., Castellanos M.C., Pausas J.G. (2014). Genetic component of flammability variation in a Mediterranean shrub. Molecular Ecology 23 (5): 1213-1223 [Wiley] [pdf]  [doi] [data:dryad]

Tormo, J., B. Moreira, and J. G. Pausas. (2014). Field evidence of smoke-stimulated seedling emergence and establishment in Mediterranean Basin flora. Journal of Vegetation Science 25 (3): 771-777 [Wiley] [pdf] [doi]


Gornish, E., Hamilton, J., Barberán, A., Benito, B.M., Binzer, A., De-Meester, J., Gruwez, R., Moreira, B., Taheri, S., Tomiolo, S., Vinagre, V., Vuarin, P., Weaver, J. (2013). Interdisciplinary climate change collaborations are essential for early-career scientists. EOS, Transactions American Geophysical Union 94(16): 151-152 [Wiley] [pdf] [doi]


Moreira B., Pausas J.G. (2012). Tanned or burned: The role of fire in shaping physical seed dormancy. PLoS ONE 7 (12): e51523 [pdf] [doi]

Moreira B., Tormo J., Pausas J.G. (2012). To resprout or not to resprout: factors driving intraspecific variability in resprouting. Oikos 121:1577-1584 [Wiley][pdf] [doi]

Pausas J.G., Moreira B. (2012). Flammability as a biological concept. New Phytologist 194 (3):610-613 [Wiley] [pdf] [doi

Pausas J.G., Alessio G.A., Moreira B., Corcobado G. (2012). Fires enhance flammability in Ulex parviflorus. New Phytologist 193 (1): 18:23 [Wiley] [pdf] [doi]

Moreira B., Tavsanoglu Ç., Pausas J.G. (2012). Local versus regional intraspecific variability in regeneration traits. Oecologia 168 (3): 671-677 [Springer] [pdf] [doi


Moreira B., Tormo J., Estrelles E., Pausas J.G.(2010). Disentangling the role of heat and smoke as germination cues in Mediterranean Basin flora. Annals of Botany 105 (4): 627-635 [oxfordjournals] [pdf] [doi]


Moreira B., J. Tormo, J. Prieto, E. Estrelles, JG Pausas 2008. Fire as a germination cue in mediterranean basin flora. Frontiers of Vegetation Science: an evolutionary angle, Internacional Assotiation for Vegetation Science, Stellenbosh, South Africa, 7-12 Septiembre 2008. Oral presentation. [abstracts of presentations]

Estrellés, E, Prieto J., Ibars A.M., Moreira B., Tormo, J., Pausas, J.G. & Marco F. 2009. Germination strategies after fires in the Mediterranean basin. Proceedings of the Conference EUROGARD V. Poster presentation

Tormo J., Moreira B., Pausas JG. 2009. Efecto del humo sobre el establecimiento de plántulas en campo. Congreso de la AEET, Úbeda, Oct 2009. Oral presentation.