
I am broadly interested in how past and current environmental changes influence the dynamics and distributions of animal and plant populations. In my current position, I develop science-based and ecologically-informed models that can help agricultural decision makers with managing and monitoring pests, their crop hosts, and their natural enemies. These models can help stakeholders detect invasive species before they can establish and spread, reduce abundance of pests before they cause widespread damage, release biological control agents in locations that will optimize pest pressure, and increase reliance on beneficial species over chemical pest control methods. For example, I have developed a spatial modeling tool that predicts both where and when to expect target insects species. 

My previous research focused on (1) combining and analyzing remote sensing and ecological data sets to measure patterns and drivers of vegetation change through time; and (2) characterizing and identifying the types and sources of  genetic variation associated with range expansions; and (3) exploring historical and topographic drivers of island biodiversity. 

I am currently an Assistant Research Professor with the Oregon Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Center in the College of Agricultural Sciences at Oregon State University. Previously, I worked as an Ecologist with the USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center in Boise, Idaho, and I completed a PERT postdoctoral research fellowship in the Dlugosch Lab in the Ecology and Evolutionary Department at the  University of Arizona.

Please reach out to me if you're interested in collaborating or have questions! I am also an avid gardener with an obsession for native plants, so am enthusiastic to help others in the process of creating backyard habitat.

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