Invited talk

1. Brindha, K. (2018) Hydrogeological studies in the Sangong River basin, China. Sino- German Research Collaboration Workshop held at the Xinjiang Ecology and Geography Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi, China, 15th to 18th October 2018.

2. Brindha, K. (2017) Flood and drought mitigation by managed aquifer recharge. Department of Geology, Anna University, India. 22nd September 2017.

3. Brindha, K. (2017) Balancing floods and groundwater demand by MAR. International workshop on Challenges on groundwater issues under the context of climate change in Tamil Nadu, India 6th–7th September 2017.

4. Brindha, K. (2016) Regional analysis of virtual water and its implications on food security in Singapore, National University of Singapore, 31st October 2016.

5. Brindha, K. (2014) Groundwater management in the Mekong River Basin with special reference to Lao PDR. Youth Workshop on Mekong River Basin management in the 21st century, Vientiane, Lao PDR 13th October 2014.

6. Brindha, K. (2014) How best UTFI (Underground Taming of Floods for Irrigation) modelling studies can integrate with that of GAMES (Ganges Aquifer Management for Ecosystem Services)? Groundwater Modelling Workshop, Organised by IWMI with collaboration with National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee, India held at New Delhi, India, 31st July 2014.

7. Brindha, K. (2014) Possibility of managed aquifer recharge in Maldives. Groundwater Awareness Seminar, Organised by UNOPS and the Ministry of Environment and Energy, Republic of Maldives, Male, Republic of Maldives, 27th February 2014.

8. Brindha, K. (2013) UTFI: Underground Taming of Floods for Irrigation. Collaboration and discussion with CSIRO experts, International Water Management Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 5th December 2013.

9. Brindha, K. (2013) Prospects mapping and ranking of UTFI for site selection. Annual Research Meeting 2013, International Water Management Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 25th to 29th November 2013.

10. Brindha, K. (2013) Groundwater quality and geochemical modelling, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Indian Institute for Science and Engineering Research, Mohali, India, 6th November 2013.

11. Brindha, K. (2013) Modelling UTFI. 3rd Annual agrohydrology and spatial analysis science meeting of the International Water Management Institute, World Agroforestry Centre, ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya, 11th to 14th June 2013.

12. Brindha, K. (2012) Groundwater quality problems in Chennai. Groundwater Management in Urban Areas - 7 Years successful Indo-German Scientific Cooperation: Case Study Chennai, Indo-German Urban Mela 2012, Chennai, India, 28th August 2012.

Other activities

1. Rapporteur at the International workshop on Challenges on groundwater issues under the context of climate change in Tamilnadu, India 6th–7th September 2017.