Board Office

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Office Hours:

The office hours are: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm

Wednesdays 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

2022 Office Closings:

January 1 - New Years

January 13 - UAR BOD MEETING

January 17 - Human Rights Day

February 4 - REALTOR Day

February 21 - Presidents Day

March 11 - 14 AE Institute

May 19 - UAR BOD Meeting

May 30 - Memorial Day

July 4 - Independence Day

July 24 - Pioneer Day

August 8 - 9 - Leadership Summit

September 5 - Labor Day

September 6 - 8 - UAR Convention

October 6 - UAR BOD Meeting

November 24 - 25 - Thanksgiving

December 24 - 25 - Christmas


50 West Forest Street, Suite 103

Brigham City, Utah 84302

Office: 435-723-5590

Fax: 435-723-1692

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