

  • B. Zenger, E. Kwan, E. Kholmovski, M. E. Peckham, B. A. Steinberg, A. deHavenon, R. Ranjan, and T. J. Bunch, “Atrial Fibrillation Causes Decreased Cerebrovascular Reserve: A Controlled Experimental Study,” JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology, 2022. [Online]. Available:

  • B. Zenger and B. A. Steinberg, “Using Atrial Fibrillation Symptoms to Guide Treatment:Becoming PROs at Improving Quality of Life,” Current Cardiovascular Risk Reports, 2022. [Online]. Available:

  • B. A. Orkild, B. Zenger, K. Iyer, L. C. Rupp, M. M. Ibrahim, A. G. Khashani, M. D. Perez, M. D. Foote, J. A. Bergquist, A. K. Morris, J. J. Kim, B. A. Steinberg, C. Selzman, M. B. Ratcliffe, R. S. MacLeod, S. Elhabian, and A. E. Morgan, “All Roads Lead to Rome: Diverse Etiologies of Tricuspid Regurgitation Create a Predictable Constellation of Right Ventricular Shape Changes,” Frontiers in Physiology, vol. 13, 6 2022. [Online]. Available:

  • B. A. Steinberg, S. Woolley, H. Li, C. Crawford, C. Groh, L. Navaravong, R. Ranjan, B. Zenger, Y. Zhang, and T. Jared Bunch, “Patient-reported Outcomes and Costs Associated with Vascular Closure and Same-Day Discharge following Atrial Fibrillation Ablation,” Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology, vol. n/a, no. n/a, 5 2022. [Online]. Available:

  • J. A. Bergquist, J. Coll-Font, B. Zenger, L. C. Rupp, W. W. Good, D. H. Brooks, and R. S. MacLeod, “Reconstruction of cardiac position using body surface potentials,” Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 142, p. 105174, 3 2022. [Online]. Available:

  • J. Bergquist, L. Rupp, B. Zenger, J. Brundage, A. Busatto, and R. S. MacLeod, “Body Surface Potential Mapping: Contemporary Applications and Future Perspectives,” Hearts, vol. 2, no. 4, 2021.

  • T. S. Burnham, M. L. Scott, B. A. Steinberg, D. L. Varela, B. Zenger, and T. J. Bunch, “Impact of Catheter Ablation on Stroke, Cognitive Decline and Dementia,” Arrhythmia & Electrophysiology Review, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 205–210, 10 2021. [Online]. Available: https: // ArticleInfoTab

  • W. W. Good, B. Zenger, J. A. Bergquist, L. C. Rupp, K. Gillette, N. Angel, D. Chou, G. Plank, and R. S. MacLeod, “Combining endocardial mapping and electrocardiographic imaging (ECGI) for improving PVC localization: A feasibility study,” Journal of Electrocardiology, 9 2021. [Online]. Available:

  • S. Schuler, M. Schaufelberger, L. R. Bear, J. Bergquist, M. Cluitmans, J. Coll-Font, O. N. Onak, B. Zenger, A. Loewe, R. Macleod, D. H. Brooks, and O. Doessel, “Reducing Line-of-block Artifacts in Cardiac Activation Maps Estimated Using ECG Imaging: A Comparison of Source Models and Estimation Methods,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, pp. 1–1, 2021. [Online]. Available:

  • B. Zenger, W. W. Good, J. A. Bergquist, L. C. Rupp, M. Perez, G. J. Stoddard, V. Sharma, and R. S. MacLeod, “Transient recovery of epicardial and torso ST-segment ischemic signals during cardiac stress tests: A possible physiological mechanism,” Journal of Electrocardiology, vol. accepted, 7 2021. [Online]. Available:

  • B. Zenger, W. W. Good, J. A. Bergquist, L. C. Rupp, M. Perez, G. J. Stoddard, V. Sharma, and R. S. MacLeod, “Pharmacological and simulated exercise cardiac stress tests produce different ischemic signatures in high-resolution experimental mapping studies,” Journal of Electrocardiology, 7vol. 68, pp. 56–64, 9 2021. [Online]. Available:

  • J. A. Bergquist, W. W. Good, B. Zenger, J. D. Tate, L. C. Rupp, and R. S. MacLeod, “The electrocardiographic forward problem: A benchmark study,” Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 134, p. 104476, 7 2021. [On-line].

  • B. Zenger, W. W. Good, J. A. Bergquist, L. C. Rupp, M. D. Perez, G. J. Stoddard, V. Sharma, and R. S. Macleod, “Transient Recovery of Epicardial and Torso ST-Segment Ischemic SignalsDuring Cardiac Stress Tests: A Possible Physiological Mechanism,” In Preparation, 2021.

  • B. Zenger, W. W. Good, J. A. Bergquist, L. C. Rupp, M. D. Perez, G. J. Stoddard, V. Sharma, and R. S. Macleod, “Pharmacological and Simulated Exercise Cardiac Stress Tests Produce Different IschemicSignatures in High-Resolution Experimental Mapping Studies,” Under Review, 2021.

  • B. Zenger, J. A. Bergquist, W. W. Good, J. D. Tate, and R. S. MacLeod, “The Cardiac ForwardProblem: A Benchmark Study,” Under Review.

  • B. Zenger and T. J. Bunch, “How Simple Ideas Forged in The Fire of Adversity Can ChangeHealthcare: Telehealth for Atrial Fibrillation during the COVID 19 Pandemic,” Europace, vol. accepted, 2021.

  • J. Salinet, R. Molero, F. Schlindwein, J. Karel, M. Rodrigo, J. L. Rojo-Alvaraez, O. Berenfeld, A. M.Climent, B. Zenger, F. VanHuesden, J. G. Slies Paredes, R. S. MacLeod, F. Ateinza, M. S. Guillem,M. Cluitmans, and P. Bonizzi, “Electrocardiographic imaging for atrial fibrillation: a perspective from computer models and animal experiments to clinical value,” Frontiers in Physiology, vol. Accepted,2021.

  • W. W. Good, K. K. Gillette, B. Zenger, J. A. Bergquist, L. C. Rupp, J. D. Tate, D. Anderson, M. A.Gsell, G. Plank, and R. S. Macleod, “Estimation and Validation of Cardiac Conduction Velocity and Wavefront Reconstruction Using Epicardial and Volumetric Data,” Transactions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. Accepted, 2021.

  • W. W. Good, B. Zenger, J. A. Bergquist, L. C. Rupp, K. K. Gillette, M. A. Gsell, G. Plank,and R. S. MacLeod, “Quantifying the Spatiotemporal Influence of Acute Myocardial Ischemia on Volumetric Conduction Velocity,” Journal of Electrocardiology, vol. Accepted, 2021.

  • B. Zenger, M. Zhang, A. Lyons, T. Jared Bunch, J. C. Fang, R. A. Freedman,T. Leenhapong Navaravong, J. P. Piccini, R. Ranjan, J. A. Spertus, J. Stehlik, J. Turner, T. Greene, R. Hess, and B. A. Steinberg, “Patient Reported Outcomes and Subsequent Management in Atrial Fibrillation Clinical Practice: Results from the Utah mEVAL AF Program,” Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology, p. jce.14795, 10 2020. [Online]. Available:

  • W. Good, B. Erem, B. Zenger, J. Coll-Font, J. Bergquist, D. Brooks, and R. MacLeod, “Characterizing the transient electrocardiographic signature of ischemic stress using Laplacian Eigenmaps for dimensionality reduction,” Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 127, p. 104059, 12 2020. [Online]. Available: S0010482520303905

  • J. L. Turner, A. Lyons, R. U. Shah, B. Zenger, R. Hess, and B. A. Steinberg, “Accuracy of Patient Identification of Electrocardiogram-Verified Atrial Arrhythmias,” JAMA Network Open, vol. 3, no. 5, p. e205431, 5 2020. [Online]. Available:

  • B. Zenger, J. M. Swink, J. L. Turner, T. J. Bunch, J. J. Ryan, R. U. Shah, M. P. Turakhia, J. P. Piccini, and B. A. Steinberg, “Social Media Influence Does Not Reflect Scholarly or Clinical Activity in Real Life,” Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology, p. CIRCEP.120.008847, 10 2020. [Online]. Available:

  • B. Zenger, W. W. Good, J. A. Bergquist, B. M. Burton, J. D. Tate, L. Berkenbile, V. Sharma, and R. S. MacLeod, “Novel experimental model for studying the spatiotemporal electrical signature of acute myocardial ischemia: a translational platform,” Physiological Measurement, vol. 41, no. 1, p. 15002, 2020. [Online]. Available:

  • B. A. Steinberg, J. Turner, A. Lyons, J. Biber, M. G. Chelu, J. C. Fang, R. A. Freedman, F. T. Han, B. Hardisty, N. F. Marrouche, R. Ranjan, R. U. Shah, J. A. Spertus, J. Stehlik, B. Zenger, J. P. Piccini, and R. Hess, “Systematic collection of patient-reported outcomes in atrial fibrillation: feasibility and initial results of the Utah mEVAL AF programme,” EP Europace, 11 2019. [Online]. Available:

  • J. A. Bergquist, W. W. Good, B. Zenger, J. D. Tate, and R. S. MacLeod, “GRÖMeR: A Pipeline for Geodesic Refinement of Mesh Registration BT - Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart,” Y. Coudière, V. Ozenne, E. Vigmond, and N. Zemzemi, Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019, pp. 37–45.

  • J. Tate, K. Gillette, B. Burton, W. Good, B. Zenger, J. Coll-Font, D. Brooks, and R. MacLeod, “Reducing Error in ECG Forward Simulations With Improved Source Sampling,” Frontiers in Physiology, vol. 9, p. 1304, 2018. [Online]. Available:

  • W. W. Good, B. Erem, B. Zenger, J. Coll-Font, D. H. Brooks, and R. S. MacLeod, “Temporal Performance of Laplacian Eigenmaps and 3D Conduction Velocity in Detecting Ischemic Stress,” Journal of Electrocardiology, vol. 51, no. 6, pp. S116–S120, 9 2018. [Online]. Available:

  • A. Rodenhauser, W. W. Good, B. Zenger, J. Tate, K. Aras, B. Burton, and R. S. Macleod, “PFEIFER: Preprocessing Framework for Electrograms Intermittently Fiducialized from Experimental Recordings,” Journal of Open Source Software, vol. 3, no. 21, p. 472, 2018. [Online]. Available:

  • B. M. Burton, K. K. Aras, W. W. Good, J. D. Tate, B. Zenger, and R. S. Macleod, “Image-Based Modeling of Acute Myocardial Ischemia Using Experimentally Derived Ischemic Zone Source Representations,” Journal of Electrocardiology, vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 725–733, 2018. [Online]. Available:

  • B. Burton, K. Aras, W. Good, J. Tate, B. Zenger, and R. MacLeod, “A Framework for Image-Based Modeling of Acute Myocardial Ischemia Using Intramurally Recorded Extracellular Potentials,” Annals of Biomedical Engineering, vol. 46, no. 9, pp. 1325–1336, 2018. [Online]. Available:


  • B. Zenger, D. Chen, and H. Balch, “Drug Induced TMA: Complications from Empiric Antibiotic Treatment,” in American College of Physicians, Utah Chapter Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, 2022, p. 2.

  • L. C. Rupp, J. A. Bergquist, B. Zenger, K. Gillette, A. Narayan, J. D. Tate, G. Plank, and R. S. MacLeod, “The Role of Myocardial Fiber Direction in Epicardial Activation Patterns via Uncertainty Quantification,” in 2021 Computing in Cardiology (CinC), vol. 48. IEEE, 2021, pp. 1–4.

  • J. A. Bergquist, B. Zenger, L. C. Rupp, A. Narayan, J. Tate, and R. S. MacLeod, “Uncertainty Quantification in Simulations of Myocardial Ischemia,” in 2021 Computing in Cardiology (CinC), vol. 48. IEEE, 2021, pp. 1–4.

  • J. N. Brundage, V. Suliafu, J. A. Bergquist, B. Zenger, L. C. Rupp, B. Wang, and R. MacLeod, “Myocardial Ischemia Detection Using Body Surface Potential Mappings and Machine Learning,” in 2021 Computing in Cardiology (CinC), vol. 48. IEEE, 2021, pp. 1–4.

  • B. Zenger, Y. Zhang, M. Millar, T. J. Bunch, J. P. Piccini, R. Hess, and B. A. Steinberg, “Current Clinical AF Treatment Targets Do Not Reflect Patient Priorities,” Circulation, vol. 144, no. Suppl 1, pp. A8925–A8925, 11 2021. [Online]. Available: 1.8925

  • B. Zenger, H. Li, T. J. Bunch, C. Crawford, J. C. Fang, R. Hess, C. Maires, R. Ranjan, Y. Zhang, and B. A. Steinberg, “Provider Preferences Drive AF Ablation Cost Variability,” Circulation, vol. 144, no. Suppl 1, pp. A8922–A8922, 11 2021. [Online]. Available: 1.8922

  • J. A. Bergquist, J. Coll-Font, B. Zenger, L. C. Rupp, W. W. Good, D. H. Brooks, and R. S. MacLeod, “Simultaneous Multi-heartbeat ECGI Solution with a Time-Varying Forward Model: A Joint Inverse Formulation,” in International Conference on Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart. Springer, 2021, pp. 493–502. [Online]. Available: 47

  • M. Toloubidokhti, P. K. Gyawali, O. A. Gharbia, X. Jiang, J. C. Font, J. A. Bergquist, B. Zenger, W. W. Good, D. H. Brooks, R. S. MacLeod, and L. Wang, “Deep Adaptive Electrocardiographic Imaging with Generative Forward Model for Error Reduction,” in International Conference on Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart. Springer, 2021, pp. 471–481. [Online]

  • B. Zenger, J. A. Bergquist, W. W. Good, L. C. Rupp, and R. S. MacLeod, “Electrocardiographic Differences in Acute Ischemic Responses to Exercise and Pharmacological Stress.” in International Society for Computerized Electrocardiology (ISCE), 2021

  • B. Zenger, J. L. Turner, T. J. Bunch, R. Hess, and B. A. Steinberg, “Age-Based Differences in Cardiopulmonary Symptoms Among Patients with Atrial Fibrillation,” in Quality of Life Research. Virtual Event: Springer Netherlands, 2020.

  • J. L. Turner, B. Zenger, T. J. Bunch, R. Hess, and B. A. Steinberg, “Cardiopulmonary Symptoms in Atrial Fibrillation: Looking Beyond the Arrhythmia,” in Quality of Life Research. Virtual Event: Springer Netherlands, 2020.

  • B. Zenger, J. L. Turner, T. J. Bunch, R. Hess, and B. A. Steinberg, “Sex-Based Differences in Cardiopulmonary Symptoms Among Patients with Atrial Fibrillation,” in Quality of Life Research. Virtual Event: Springer Netherlands, 2020.

  • B. Zenger, J. Bergquist, W. Good, L. Rupp, and R. MacLeod, “Experimental Validation of a Novel Extracellular-Based Source Representation of Acute Myocardial Ischemia,” in Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), 12 2020, pp. 1–4. [Online]. Available:

  • B. Zenger, J. A. Bergquist, W. W. Good, B. Steadman, and R. S. MacLeod, “High-Capacity Cardiac Signal Acquisition System for Flexible, Simultaneous, Multidomain Acquisition,” in Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), 2020, pp. 1–4.

  • J. A. Bergquist, J. Coll-Font, B. Zenger, L. C. Rupp, W. W. Good, D. H. Brooks, and R. S. MacLeod, “Improving Localizing Cardiac Geometry Using ECGI,” in Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), 2020, pp. 1–4.

  • J. A. Bergquist, B. Zenger, W. W. Good, L. C. Rupp, L. R. Bear, and R. S. MacLeod, “Novel Experimental Preparation to Assess Electrocardiographic Imaging Reconstruction Techniques,” in Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), 2020, pp. 1–4.

  • A. E. Morgan, A. Kashani, B. Zenger, L. C. Rupp, M. D. Perez, M. D. Foote, A. K. Morris, M. B. Ratcliffe, V. Sharma, R. S. Macleod, and S. Elhabian, “Right Ventricular Shape Distortion in Tricuspid Regurgitation,” in Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), 2020, pp. 1–4.

  • L. C. Rupp, W. W. Good, J. A. Bergquist, B. Zenger, K. Gellette, G. Plank, and R. S. MacLeod, “Effect of Myocardial Fiber Direction on Epicardial Activation Patterns,” in Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), 2020, pp. 1–4.

  • W. W. Good, J. A. Bergquist, B. Zenger, L. C. Rupp, K. Gillette, G. Plank, and R. S. MacLeod, “Quantifying the Spatiotemporal Influence of Acute Myocardial Ischemia on Volumetric Conduction Speed,” in Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), 2020, pp. 1–4.

  • B. Zenger, J. A. Bergquist, W. W. Good, L. C. Rupp, and R. S. MacLeod, “Electrocardiographic Differences in Acute Ischemic Responses to Exercise and Pharmacological Stress.” in International Society for Computerized Electrocardiology (ISCE) (Cancelled for Covid), 2020.

  • W. W. Good, B. Zenger, J. A. Bergquist, K. Gillette, L. C. Rupp, G. Plank, and R. S. MacLeod, “Combining Endocardial mapping and Electrocardiographic Imaging (ECGI) for Improving PVC Localization: A Feasilbility Study,” in Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Sessions, San Diego, CA, 2020.

  • J. L. Turner, B. Zenger, J. M. Swink, T. J. Bunch, J. J. Ryan, M. P. Turakhia, J. P. Piccini, and B. A. Steinberg, “Social Media Influence and Procedural Volume Among Us Cardiac Electrophysiologists,” in Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Sessions, San Diego, CA, 2020.

  • J. L. Turner, B. Zenger, T. J. Bunch, R. Hess, and B. A. Steinberg, “Generic Vs. Disease-Specific Patient Reported Outcomes for Atrial Fibrillation,” in Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Sessions, San Diego, CA, 2020.

  • W. W. Good, B. Zenger, J. A. Bergquist, K. Gillette, G. Plank, and R. S. Macleod, “Electrocardio- graphic Imaging (ECGI) can Improve Endocardial Mapping for Wavefront Reconstruction and PVC Localization,” in International Society for Computerized Electrocardiology (ISCE), 2020.

  • B. Zenger, J. A. Bergquist, W. W. Good, J. D. Tate, and R. S. MacLeod, “Experimental Validation of Image-Based Modeling of Torso Surface Potentials During Acute Myocardial Ischemia,” in Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), 2019, Singapore, Singapore, 2019, pp. 1–4.

  • B. Zenger, M. Zhang, T. Greene, R. Hess, and B. Steinberg, “Characteristics of highly-symptomatic atrial fibrillation patients in clinical practice: results: from the Utah mEval Program,” in Quality of Life Research, vol. 28. Springer Netherlands, 2019, pp. S59–S60.

  • B. Zenger and M. P. Battin, “A Curious Finding about MAiD: Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease,” in Ever Presence, A Conference on Death and Dying, 2019.

  • W. W. Good, K. K. Gillette, J. A. Bergquist, B. Zenger, J. Tate, L. C. Rupp, D. Anderson, G. Plank, and R. S. Macleod, “Validation of Intramural Wavefront Reconstruction and Estimation of 3D Conduction Velocity,” in 2019 Computing in Cardiology (CinC), 2019.

  • J. A. Bergquist, B. Zenger, W. W. Good, J. D. Tate, and R. S. MacLeod, “Optimizing the Reconstruction of Cardiac Potentials using a Novel High Resolution Pericardiac Cage,” in Computing in Cardiology, 2019.

  • B. Zenger, “No One Dies Alone: A Personal Journey,” in Ever Presence, A Conference on Death and Dying, Salt Lake City, UT, 2018.

  • W. W. Good, J. Coll-Font, B. Zenger, D. H. Brooks., and R. S. MacLeod, “Novel Metric for Evaluating Ischemic Stress on the Torso Surface Using Laplacian Eigenmaps on Animal and Human Recordings,” in Computing in Cardiology, Maastricht, Netherlands, 2018.

  • B. Zenger, W. W. Good, J. Bergquist, J. D. Tate, V. Sharma, and R. S. Macleod, “Electrocar- diographic Comparison of Dobutamine and BRUCE Cardiac Stress Testing With High Resolution Mapping in Experimental Models,” Computing in Cardiology, vol. 45, pp. 1–4, 2018.

  • B. Zenger, W. Good, A. Rodenhauser, and R. S. MacLeod, “PFEIFER: A MATLAB Based Platform for Preprocessing and Autofiducializing Experimental Electrogram Recordings,” in International Society for Computerized Electrocardiology (ISCE), Park City, UT, USA, 2018.

  • B. Zenger, S. Thomas, E. Ghafoori, J. Ashton, R. MacLeod, and R. Ranjan, “Higher Contact Force Results in Significantly More Edema as compared to Chronic Scar in the Left Atria,” in Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Sessions, Chicago IL, USA, 2017.

  • B. Zenger, T. Seidel, and F. B. Sachse, “Assessing the Association of Cardiac Fibrosis with T-Tubule Irregularity Using Confocal Microscopy.” in University of Utah Molecular Medicine and Medical School Research Symposium., Park City, UT, USA, 2015.

  • F. Han, B. Zenger, T. R. Jarret, R. Ranjan, N. W. Akoum, C. J. McGann, B. W. Wilson, E. G. Kholmovski, R. MacLeod, and N. Marrouche, “Acute and Chronic Radiofrequency Ablation Lesion Characteristics of Idiopathic Ventricular Arrythmias,” in Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Sessions, Boston MA, USA, 2015.

  • B. Zenger, J. Cates., A. Morris, E. G. Kholmovski, A. Au, R. Ranjan, N. W. Akoum, C. J. McGann, N. F. Marrouche, F. T. Han, and R. MacLeod, “A Practical Algorithm for Improving Localization and Quantification of Left Ventricular Scar,” in Computing in Cardiology, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2014.

  • B. Zenger, N. S. Burgon, M. Koopmann, and R. MacLeod, “Significance of Pulmonary Vein Antral Region in Atrial Fibrillation Patients: A MRI Approach,” in National Conference of Undergraduate Research, Lacrosse, WI, USA, 2013.

Non-Peer Review Work:

Mentored Work:

  • Anderson DJ, Good WW, Zenger B, MacLeod RS. Visualizing Acute Myocardial Ischemia with Electrogram Biomarkers using map3d. In: Utah Biomedical Engineering Conference. Salt Lake City, UT, USA; 2017.

  • Rupp L, Good WW, Bergquist JA, Zenger B, MacLeod RS. Ventricular Pacing Depth Localization Based on Epicardial Activation Maps. In: Utah Biomedical Engineering Conference. Salt Lake City, UT, USA; 2018.

  • Perez M, Good WW, Bergquist JA, Zenger B, Macleod RS. A Rule-based Framework for Generating a Two-Dimensional Coronary Vasculature Trees. In: Utah Biomedical Engineering Conference. Salt Lake City, UT, USA; 2018.

  • Nelson AJ, Good WW, Zenger B, Tate JD, Bergquist JA, MacLeod RS. A Novel Method for Tracking the Emergence and Growth of Ischemic Regions Within Myocardial Tissue. In: Utah Biomedical Engineering Conference. Salt Lake City, UT, USA; 2018.

  • Perez M, Good W, Zenger B, Macleod R. Rule-Based, Two Dimensional Model of the Coronary Vasculature Coronary artery disease (CAD). In: Utah Biomedical Engineering Conference. 2018.

  • Perez M, Good W, Bergquist J, Zenger B, Macleod R. A Rule-Based Framework for Generating Two-Dimensional Coronary Vascular Trees. In: Utah Biomedical Engineering Conference. 2019.

  • Rupp LC, Good WW, Bergquist JA, Zenger B, Macleod RS. Effect of Myocardial Structure on Simulated Epicardial Excitation. In: Utah Biomedical Engineering Conference [Internet]. 2019. Available from:

  • Rupp L, Good W, Bergquist J, Zenger B, MacLeod R. Effect of Myocardial Structure on Simulated Epicardial Excitation. In: Biomedical Engineering Society Conference. 2019.

  • Rupp L, Good W, Bergquist J, Zenger B, MacLeod R. Bioelectric Localization of Premature Ventricular Contractions in the Heart. In: Undergraduate Research Symposium. 2019.

  • B. Orkild, A. Kashani, B. Zenger, L. C. Rupp, M. D. Perez, M. D. Foote, A. K. Morris, M. B. Ratcliffe, J. Kim, J. W. Weinsaft, V. Sharma, S. Elhabian, A. E. Morgan, and R. S. MacLeod, “Right Ventricular Shape Changes in Patients with Tricuspid Valve Regurgitation,” in Utah Biomedical Engineering Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, 2021.

News Articles:


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