Special Circumstance Instructional Aides

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Student shows maladaptive behaviors

1) Teachers and staff must try at least 5 classroom interventions with fidelity for two weeks and take data establishing effectiveness or lack thereof

2) School psychologist consults and works with classroom team to create FBA, PBSP or both

Different interventions are codified into PBSP and tried with fidelity for at least 2 weeks with data taken

This should include speech interventions if appropriate. All students must have a functional communication system

3) Behavior Specialist should be consulted if PBSP doesn't seem to be working and needs to be updated to reflect additional interventions

4) If team decides no other interventions will work other than another staff member, they fill out the "Request for Additional Paraprofessional Support" Forms on SEIS (found here) with particular attention given to the fading aspect of the plan

5) That form is given to Mark or Lucy for endorsement and then brought to Jeff for approval

6) Jeff approves and gives form to Shannon for processing

7) Shannon passes form to HR and accounting