Florida - Hurricane Prep - Red Tide Status - TB Times Red Tide -
Earthquake - Real-time World - SF Earthquake Map
Blood Donation - schedule blood appointment with Blood Centers of the Pacific or OneBlood
Politicians: Ballotpedia - politifact
HTML Markup Validators - w3c -
HTML tool to - strip all tags - generate favicons -
LaTeX - Sciweavers - search for more
Auto Browser Tests - Selenium - Browserling - mechanize - Twill
Google Analytics - Adsense - Webmaster Tools - Alerts - AdWords - Search Console - qdorks (query generator)
Is the internet broken? - DownRightNow - DownForEveryoneOrJustMe - Site Down - Downdetector
git - the simple guide - creating local git repositories - opensource-github-guide - github markdown preview - github flavored markdown - fork and upstream
Brent Noorda Stuff - Homepage - Blog (new) - Blog (old) - ProblemsSolvingProblems - Nombas
HelloSun Links: NodeJS - npm - express - Heroku Dev Center - jade - socket.io -
Cheat Sheets: javascript - html5 - mysql - css - css positioning explained - css selectors
JS Tools: Closure Compiler -
tool to send a big file via email: SendThisFile ---- temporary email: 10MinuteMail
tool to send fax for free: GotFreeFax
convert pdf to searchable pdf: SandwichPDF
Code Tools: Dan's Tools -
make qr codes: QRCode Monkey
Stripes links: java web tutorial - jstl - jsp syntax reference - netbeans tutorials - stripes book source code - taglib
How Long Money Last - also - also - also -
Images: Public.Work
Nursing Links Foundation/Charity Links
🎸 Guitar (Music) Links 🎸 karaoke faves
The Pokayoke Guide to Developing Software - Brief and Excellent and Short guide to validating and creating a startup
Feynman Lectures - html
Time-lapse Histories: Das Rad (The Wheel) - This Land Is Mine
Cells: hi-res image/art - organelle animation -
Equality: polygons - Schelling's -
An open letter: why I'm leaving the cult of wokeness by Africa Brooke