

The Federal Tax Policy Uncertainty Risk Premium: Evidence from Tax Credit Prices” (with Pratish Patel) International Tax and Public Finance, 2023: 30 (3), 635-677.

 “Car Accidents, Smartphone Adoption and 3G Coverage” (with Matthew Lang and Jonathan Hersh) Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2022: 196, 278-293

"Pandemics. Protests and Firearms" (with Matthew Lang) American Journal of Health Economics, 2021: 7(2), pages 131-163.

Overview and Proposed Reforms of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program” (with Michael D. Eriksen) Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2020: 80.

The Parcel Tax as a Local Revenue Source for California Public Schools” (with Jon Sonstelie), National Tax Journal, 2015: 68 (3), pages 545-571.

Input Distortions in the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit: Evidence from Building SizeRegional Science and Urban Economics, 2015: 52, pages 119-128.

“The Effect of Down Payment Assistance on Mortgage Choice” (with Ellen Hurst), Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 2014: 49 (3), pages 329-351.

“Location Incentives in the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit: Are Qualified Census Tracts Necessary?” Journal of Housing Economics, 2012: 21 (2), pages 142-150.

“Does offering more Advanced Placement courses increase enrollment?” Economics Bulletin, 2011: 31 (1), pages 893-904.


Working Papers

Incentives and Non-Response Bias in Student Evaluations of Teaching” (with Matthew Lang)

"The Hidden Subsidies of the Low Income-Housing Tax Credit" (with Ed Olsen) - Revisions Requested

Other Contributions

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. State-by-State Property Tax at a Glance. Contributor for Ohio State Property Tax Narrative.


Mentions in Popular Press

Poll Hub Marist Poll, Episode 306 -- Second Segment on Housing Affordability, August 2023

"Shootings Have Surged — and Gun Companies Have Made Billions" Rolling Stone, May 2022.

Addressing the Housing Crisis” Policy Chats Podcast, UCR School of Public Policy. October 2021.

"‘It’s going to be like war.’ Voters eye 2020 election outcome with fear and loathing," Los Angeles Times, September 27, 2020. 

Will the Surge in Panic Gun Buying Have a Long-Term Effect?” The Backchannel, July 28, 2020.

To pass parcel tax, Los Angeles Unified will need to break with history,EdSource, June 3, 2019.