Lab Facilities

Selected Facilities

  • Bruker FTIR spectrometer, Vertex 70 with DTGLS and MCT detector, and rapid scan capabilities

  • Harrick Scientific diffuse reflectance accessory and microreactor for continuous in situ and operando gas-solid reactions

  • Pike Technologies low-pressure flow and high temperature ATR microreactor for continuous in situ and operando gas-solid and gas-liquid-solid reactions

  • Pike Technologies high-pressure in situ cylindrical ATR reactor (Jet Stream) for gas-liquid-solid reactions (up to 1500 psi and 200 oC).

  • In Situ Research Instruments (ISRI) transmission mode in situ FTIR microreactor

  • In-house made in situ low void volume reaction cell with for UV-visible, FTIR, or Raman spectroscopies

  • StellarNet UV-visible miniature spectrometer

  • Avantes (<200 C), StellarNet (<150 C), Ocean Optics (<80 C) diffuse optical fiber probes

  • Ocean Optics UV-visible immersion probe

  • Bruker Raman Senterra spectrometer

  • In-house made portable gas delivery and control system (with Omega and Brooks mass flow controllers and digital readout box) for in situ reaction units

  • New Era Pump Systems high pressure syringe pumps

  • In-house made fixed bed reactor with gas delivery system and online gas sampling and analysis via SRI Instruments gas chromatograph

  • Thermo Scientific SR3000 Ultimate HPLC system (gradient pump, TCC-300RS column thermostat, DAD-300RS detector, Refractomax 521 detector, and WPS-3000TSL autosampler)

  • Pfeiffer quadrupole mass spectrometer (OmniStar GSD 301-O3)

CEBC Shared Facilities

Selected Facilities

  • Parr Instrument Co. stirred pressure reactors provided with HPLC pumps and mass flow controllers, on-line GC and off-line HPLCs

  • Parr Instrument Co. multiple high-pressure reactors (MOC- Hastelloy C-276 and Ti)

  • Parr Instrument Co. high-pressure, high-temperature, large volume fixed-bed/trickle-bed reactor

  • Mettler Toledo ReactIR reaction system equipped with ATR-IR probes at high pressures (<300 bar).

  • Ocean Optics UV-visible spectrophotometer

  • Bruker Tensor 27 FTIR spectrometer

  • Pike Technologies diffuse reflectance DiffusIR accessory

  • Micromeritics temperature programmed analysis unit (Autochem 2910) for TPR, TPD, TPO and chemisorption

  • Quantachrome Instruments surface area and pore size analyzer (Nova 2200e)

  • ICP-OES spectrometer (down to ppb) of various elements (Rh, P, Si) in liquid samples

  • GC/Mass Spectrometer, GCs, HPLCs

  • PANalytical Zetium XRF spectrometer

  • PANalytical Zetium XRD diffractometer

KU Shared Facilities