OASIS image files (sensitivity)

The Brain Segmentation Testing Protocol includes two datasets which originate from the Open Access Series of Imaging Studies (OASIS) dataset. By downloading this data you are agreeing to the following:


The Open Access Structural Imaging Series (OASIS) is a project dedicated to making brain imaging data openly available to the public.

Using data available through the OASIS project requires agreeing with the following:

1. The quality and completeness of the data cannot be guaranteed. Users employ these data at their own risk.

2. Users shall respect restrictions of access to sensitive data. Users will make no attempt to identify the individuals whose images are included in OASIS data sets.

3. Users must acknowledge the use of OASIS data and data derived from OASIS data when publicly presenting any findings or algorithms that benefited from their use. Such presentations include but are not limited to papers, books, book chapters, conference posters, and talks.

4. When publishing findings that benefit from OASIS data, please include the following grant numbers in the acknowledgements section and in the associated Pubmed Central submission: P50 AG05681, P01 AG03991, R01 AG021910, P20 MH071616, U24 RR021382.

5. Redistribution of original OASIS data is permitted so long as the data are redistributed under the same terms and conditions are described in this DUA.

Data derived from original OASIS data may be distributed under terms and conditions established by the creators of the data. Users must comply with the terms and conditions of use set by the creators of the data



Testing Segmentation Sensitivity

Longitudinal images (mean inter-scan interval = 2 years)

Baseline images of 72 healthy participants (72 images 1.0 Gb): By clicking on this link I agree to the above points

Follow-up images of 72 healthy participants (72 images 1.0 Gb): By clicking on this link I agree to the above points

Spreadsheet listing ages and interscan-intervals for each subject (Excel file 23 Kb): By clicking on this link I agree to the above points