3rd BrAG meeting

The 3rd BrAG meeting took place at the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics in Cambridge on September 11-13, 2017.


Arend Bayer (Edinburgh)

Cinzia Casagrande (Università di Torino)

Barbara Fantechi (SISSA)

Elham Izadi (UCSD)

James McKernan (UCSD)

Johannes Nicaise (Imperial and KU Leuven)

Dan Petersen (University of Copenhagen)

Jørgen Vold Rennemo (University of Oslo)

Gregory Sankaran (Bath)

Schedule: Can be found here.

Funding: We are grateful to the London Mathematical Society, EPSRC and the Clay Mathematics Institute for their support.

Organizers: Paolo Cascini (Imperial), Diane Maclagan (Warwick), Nicola Pagani (Liverpool), Julius Ross (Cambridge)

Scientific advisors: Tom Bridgeland (Sheffield), Ivan Cheltsov (Edinburgh), Mark Gross (Cambridge), Frances Kirwan (Oxford), Miles Reid (Warwick), Richard Thomas (Imperial)