Contact Information

Department of Economics, KTH 436

McMaster University

1280 Main St. West

Hamilton, ON 


tel. (905) 525-9140 ext. 23807            


Online Academic Profiles

university website

personal website

Repec profile:

Google Scholar profile:

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Research Interests

Experimental Economics

Behavioral Economics

Industrial Organization



date       Institute                               Degree         Areas of Specialization

1996      Princeton University           Ph.D.           Economics

1993      Princeton University           M.A.            Economics

1991      York University, Glendon College   B.A.            Mathematics and Economics

Dissertation Title: “The Role of Emotions, Fairness and Strategic Behavior in Interactive Decision-Making”.

Dissertation Advisors: Avinash Dixit, Daniel Kahneman and Timothy Van Zandt.


Employment History: Full-Time Positions

from-to, Institution, Position


Employment History: Visiting Positions

from-to, Institution, Position


Other Affiliations



Graduate Courses (Institution x=number of times taught)

Experimental Economics (McMaster x5)

Behavioral Economics (BGU x8)

Industrial Organization (BGU x2, Montpellier x1)           

Directed Reading in Experimental Economics (McMaster x2)            

Microeconomics (Laurier x4)


Undergraduate Courses (Institution x=number of times taught)

Experimental Economics (BGU x16)

Behavioral Economics (McMaster x7, Laurier x6)

Industrial Organization (BGU x14, Laurier x1)

Advanced Microeconomics (Guelph x1)

Intermediate Microeconomics (Laurier x6)

Introductory Microeconomics (BGU x4)


Ph.D. Student Supervisions


Andrew Leal (in progress, expected completion: May 2025).

Li-Hsin Lin (in progress).

Robbie McKercher (in progress).

Reyhaneh Nikoonejad (in progress).

Tanzir Rahman Khan (in progress).

Richard Li (in progress).


Yaakov Bayer (2015), jointly supervised with Ro’i Zultan.

  Ze’ev Shtudiner (2011), first & current appointment at Ariel University.


Editorial Work


Scientific Committees and Service


Publications in Refereed Journals


1. Kaplan, Todd and Bradley Ruffle (1998) “Self-Serving Bias [Comment],” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 12:2, 243244.


2. Ruffle, Bradley J. (1998) “More is Better, But Fair is Fair: Tipping in Dictator and Ultimatum Games,” Games and Economic Behavior, 23, 247265.


3. Ruffle, Bradley J. (1999) “Gift Giving with Emotions,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 39:4, 399420.


4. Ruffle, Bradley J. and Orit Tykocinski (2000) “The Deadweight Loss of Christmas: Comment,” American Economic Review, 90:1, 319324.


5. Ruffle, Bradley J. (2000) “Some Factors Affecting Demand Withholding in Posted-Offer Markets,” Economic Theory, 16:3, 529544.

[reprinted in T. Cason and C. Noussair (eds.), Advances in experimental markets, Studies in 

Economic Theory, vol. 15, Heidelberg and New York: Springer, pp. 33-48, 2001.]


6. Tykocinski, Orit E. and Bradley J. Ruffle (2003) “Reasonable Reasons for Waiting,” Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 16, 111.


7. Ruffle, Bradley J. (2003) “Competitive Equilibrium and Classroom Pit Markets,” Journal of Economic Education, 34:2, 123137.


8. Sosis, Richard and Bradley J. Ruffle (2003) “Religious Ritual and Cooperation: Testing for a Relationship on Israeli Religious and Secular Kibbutzim,” Current Anthropology, 44:5, 713722.


9. Kaplan, Todd R. and Bradley J. Ruffle (2004) “The Self-Serving Bias and Beliefs about Rationality,” Economic Inquiry, 42:2, 237246.


10. Sosis, Richard and Bradley J. Ruffle (2004) “Reply: Religious Ritual and Cooperation,” Current Anthropology, 45:4, 529530.


11. Ruffle, Bradley J. (2005) “Tax and Subsidy Incidence Equivalence Theories: Experimental Evidence from Competitive Markets,” Journal of Public Economics, 89:8, 15191542.


12. Ruffle, Bradley J. and Richard Sosis (2006) “Cooperation and the In-Group-Out-Group Bias: A Field Test on Israeli Kibbutz Members and City Residents,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 60:2, 147163.


13. Ruffle, Bradley J. and Ze’ev Shtudiner (2006) “99: Are Retailers Best Responding to Rational Consumers? Experimental Evidence,” Managerial and Decision Economics, 27:6, 459475.


14. Ruffle, Bradley J. and Richard Sosis (2007) “Does it Pay to Pray? Costly Ritual and Cooperation,” The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol. 7: Iss. 1 (Contributions), Article 18.


15. Normann, Hans-Theo, Bradley J. Ruffle and Christopher M. Snyder (2007) “Do Buyer-Size Discounts Depend on the Curvature of the Surplus Function? Experimental Tests of Bargaining Models,” RAND Journal of Economics, 38:3, 747767.


16. Kaplan, Todd R. and Bradley J. Ruffle (2009) “In search of welfare-improving gifts,” European Economic Review, 53, 445460.


17. Kaplan, Todd R. and Bradley J. Ruffle (2012) “Which Way to Cooperate?” Economic Journal, 122: 563, 10421068.


18. Blumkin, Tomer, Bradley J. Ruffle and Yosef Ganun (2012) “Are Income and Consumption Taxes Ever Really Equivalent? Evidence from a Real-Effort Experiment,” European Economic Review, 56, 12001219.


19. Ruffle, Bradley J. (2013) “When do large buyers pay less? Experimental evidence,” Journal of Industrial Economics, 61:1, 108137.


20. Ruffle, Bradley J. and Yossef Tobol (2014) “Honest on Mondays: Honesty and the temporal separation between decisions and payoffs,” European Economic Review, 65, 126135.


21. Feldman, Naomi E. and Bradley J. Ruffle (2015) “The Impact of Including, Adding and Subtracting a Tax on Demand,American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 7:1, 95118.


22. Ruffle, Bradley J. and Ze'ev Shtudiner (2015) “Are Good-Looking People more Employable?” Management Science, 61:8, 1760–1776.


23. Ruffle, Bradley J., Avi Weiss and Amir Etziony (2015) “The Role of Critical Mass in Establishing a Successful Network Market: An Experimental Investigation,” Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 58, 101–110.


24. Ruffle, Bradley J. and Oscar Volij (2016) “First-Mover Advantage in Two-Sided Competitions: An Experimental Comparison of Role Assignment Rules,” International Journal of Game Theory, 45:4, 933970.


25. Ruffle, Bradley J. and Yossef Tobol (2017) “Clever Enough to Tell the Truth,” Experimental Economics, 20:1, 130–155.


26. Kaplan, Todd R., Bradley J. Ruffle and Ze’ev Shtudiner (2018) “Cooperation through Coordination in Two Stages, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 154, 206-219.


27. Ruffle, Bradley J. and Anne Wilson (2018) “The Truth about Tattoos,” Economics Letters, 172, 143-147.


28. Bayer, Ya’akov, Bradley J. Ruffle, Ze’ev Shtudiner and Ro’i Zultan (2018) “Costly Superstitious Beliefs: Experimental Evidence,” Journal of Economic Psychology, 69, 30-43.


29. Ruffle, Bradley J. and Anne Wilson (2019) “Tat will tell: Tattoos and time preferences,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 166, 566-585.


30. Ruffle, Bradley J. and Richard Sosis (2020) “Do religious contexts elicit more trust and altruism? Evidence from decision-making scenario experiments,” Journal of Economics, Management and Religion, 1:1, 1-25.         


31. Papanastasiou, Anastasios, Bradley J. Ruffle and Angela Zheng (2022) “Compliance with Social Distancing: Theory and Empirical Evidence from Ontario during COVID-19,” Canadian Journal of Economics, 55, 705-734.


32. Ruffle, Bradley J., Arie Sherman and Ze’ev Shtudiner (2022) “Gender and Beauty Price Discrimination in Produce Markets,” Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 97.


Invited Book Chapters


Sosis, Richard and Bradley J. Ruffle (2004) “Ideology, Religion, and the Evolution of Cooperation: Field Experiments on Israeli Kibbutzim,” pp. 89117, in Research in Economic Anthropology, volume 23, Michael Alvard (ed.), Emerald Insight.


Ruffle, Bradley J. (2009) “Buyer Countervailing Power: A Survey of the Theory and Experimental Evidence,” in Experiments and Antitrust Policy, J. Hinloopen and H.-T. Normann (eds.), Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, pp. 160-182. [Article]


Other Publications


Normann, Hans-Theo and Bradley J. Ruffle (2011) “Introduction to the special issue on experiments in industrial organization,” International Journal of Industrial Organization, 29:1, 1-3.


Ruffle, Bradley (March 22, 2012) Blog: “Photos of Attractive Female Job Seekers Stir Up HR Jealousy,” Harvard Business Review. [Blog]


Ruffle, Bradley (October 19, 2021) “Think Before You Get Inked,” Psychology Today.


Working Papers

Morrison, William and Bradley J. Ruffle (June 2024) “Do higher insurance premiums provoke larger reported losses? An experimental study”.


Li, Tongzhe and Bradley J. Ruffle (October 2023) “Does income mobility predict preferences for income distribution?”.

Morrison, William and Bradley J. Ruffle (February 2023) “Do Prefilled Insurance Claims Forms Reduce Insurance Fraud?”

Berger, Leslie, Lan Guo, Kelsey Kirbyson and Bradley J. Ruffle (June 2024) “Paying Employees to Quit: An Experimental Study of Sorting and (De)Motivational Effects”.


Works in Progress


Ruffle, Bradley J. “Matching in co-operative education programs: An experimental study”.


Khan, Tanzir Rahman and Bradley J. Ruffle “Heterogenous contributions to the public goods game: A closer look at conditional cooperation”.

Ruffle, Bradley J. and William Zhang "Cheating on a budget".

Retired Working Papers


Maaz, Muhammad, Anastasios Papanastasiou, Bradley J. Ruffle and Angela Zheng (2021) “Heterogeneity in the Support for Mandatory Masks Unveiled”.


Bayer, Ya’akov, Bradley J. Ruffle, Ro’i Zultan and Tzvi Dwolatzky (2018) “Time preferences of older people with mild cognitive impairment”.


Feldman, Naomi E. and Bradley J. Ruffle (2008) “Religious Terrorism: A Cross-Country Analysis”.


Engle-Warnick, Jim and Bradley J. Ruffle (2005) “Buyer Concentration as a Source of Countervailing Power: Evidence from Experimental Posted-Offer Markets”.


Engle-Warnick, Jim and Bradley J. Ruffle (2004) “The Strategies Behind their Actions: A Method to Infer Repeated-Game Strategies and an Application to Buyer Behavior”.


Book Reviews 


“Not Just for the Money: An Economic Theory of Personal Motivation” by Bruno Frey, Edward Elgar, 1997, in European Journal of Political Economy, 1999, 15:2, 379-380.


“Gandhi’s Economic Thought” by Ajit DasGupta, Routledge, 1996, in Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 1998, 7:4, 451-453.


Invited Seminars at Universities (since 2000), Econ dep'ts (unless otherwise indicated)


Saint Mary's (virtual), Waterloo     2024

McMaster, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Ontario Ministry of Finance     2018

Laval, Windsor     2017

Guelph     2016

Florida State     2014

Loyola Marymount, Laurier, Western, NYU, Saskatchewan     2013

Bar-Ilan, Ben-Gurion (Public Policy), Waterloo, McMaster, Guelph, U. of Toronto     2012

Hebrew U.     2010

Bar-Ilan, Tel-Aviv, Goethe, Université Montpellier I, Guelph, Tel-Aviv (B-School)         2009

McMaster, York U. (Glendon), Connecticut (ECC), IZA, Haifa     2008

Hebrew U.     2007

York U., Ryerson, Guelph, Carleton, UT-Dallas, Tokyo, Nagoya City, Osaka, Waseda     2006


Ryerson     2005

Florida State, Emory, Harvard (HBS), MIT (Sloan), AABGU, McMaster, Tel-Aviv                      2004

Exeter, Hebrew U.-Rehovot, Harvard     2003

New Brunswick-St. John, U. of Toronto, McMaster, Bar-Ilan     2002

Oxford, Osaka, Tel-Aviv, Hebrew U., Ben-Gurion       2001

Indian Institute of Management     2000


Conference Presentations (since 1999)


Selected Media Coverage of Research

Tattoos: The Times of London (Sep. 3, 2019), Vancouver Sun (Sep. 3, 2019), La Presse (Sep. 3, 2019), New York Post (Sep. 4, 2019), (Sep. 5, 2019), Evening Standard (Sep. 6, 2019), Herald Sun (Sep. 6, 2019), New Zealand Herald (Sep. 6, 2019), Global News (Sep. 11, 2019), Yahoo! Finance (Sep. 11, 2019), LinkedIn Editors, (Sep. 13, 2019), Roundhouse Radio 98.3 (Feb. 19, 2018), CTV-Kitchener 6:00pm news feature (Feb. 15, 2018), 570 News (Feb. 14, 2018), CBC Radio Kitchener-Waterloo, The Morning Edition (Feb. 15, 2018), & tens of additional newspapers, blogs, podcasts, radio and television programs.

Beauty: The Economist (March 31, 2012), New York Times (Nov. 30, 2010), Huffington Post (USA, April 5, 2012), Bloomberg Businessweek (Dec. 3, 2010), Forbes (USA, April 4, 2012),  Forbes (USA, April 4, 2013), The Toronto Star (Canada, April 11, 2012), Der Spiegel (Germany, April 10, 2012), The Daily Mail (UK, April 18, 2011 & April 4, 2012), April 18, 2011), Estadao (Brazil, July 11, 2011), Herald Sun (Australia, Dec. 1, 2010), Jerusalem Post (Israel, Nov. 29, 2010), Emirates 24/7 (UAE, Dec. 6, 2010), Hindustan Times (India, Dec. 2, 2010), The Record (Sep. 26, 2015), Recruitment Grapevine (May 14, 2015), The Star Early Edition (May 15, 2015) & hundreds of additional newspapers, blogs, radio and television programs.

Religion: The Economist (March 19, 2008), Chronicle of Higher Education (Aug. 13, 2012), Science and Religion Today (July 27, 2010).

Honesty: Washington Post (April 15, 2016), Times of Israel (Aug. 13, 2013), Israel HaYom (July 31, 2013).

Gift giving: Financial Times (Dec. 11, 2004) New York Times (Jan. 4, 2004), Sydney Morning Herald (Dec. 24, 2003), Jerusalem Post (March 7, 2008), Australian Broadcasting Corporation ("Life Matters" program with Geraldine Doogue, December 2002), Woolwich Observer (Dec. 3, 2015).


Referee Work


Referee for the following journals:

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy • American Economic Review • B.E. Press Journals in Economic Analysis & Policy • Canadian Journal of Economics • Canadian Public Policy • Economic Development and Cultural Change • Econometrica • Economic Inquiry • Economic Journal • Economic Theory • Economics Bulletin • Economics Letters • European Economic Review • Experimental Economics • European Journal of Political Economy • Games and Economic Behavior • International Economic Review • International Journal of Game Theory • International Journal of Industrial Organization • International Journal of Manpower • Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion • Journal of Applied Social Psychology • Journal of Behavioral Decision Making • Journal of Business Research • Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization • Journal of Economic Education • Journal of Economic Psychology • Journal of the Economic Science Association • Journal of European Economic Association • Journal of Industrial Economics • Journal of Public Policy and Marketing • Journal of Political Economy • Journal of Public Economics • Journal of Socio-Economics • Judgment and Decision Making • LABOUR: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations • Management Science • Managerial and Decision Economics • Marketing Science • National Tax Journal • New Zealand Economic Papers • Non-Profit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly • Oxford Open Economics • Psychological Reports • Psychology • RAND Journal of Economics • Religion, Brain and Behavior • Review of Behavioral Economics • Review of Economic Analysis • Review of Economic Studies; Review of Economics and Statistics • Research in Economic Anthropology • Scandinavian Journal of Economics • Social Issues • Southern Economic Journal.


Referee for the following research foundations:

Binational Science Foundation • British Academy • Czech Science Foundation, German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Development • Israel Science Foundation • Leverhulme Trust • National Science Foundation • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.


Promotion and Tenure Letters (listed alphabetically by university; dates and candidates’ names omitted to preserve anonymity)


University Service (past 18 years)


Research Grants and Awards

 Date, Funding Agency, Research Topic, Amount


Citizenship Canadian and Israeli


Family Status Married + 2


Languages  Fluent and literate in English, French and Hebrew.