Rotary Encoder Module Serial Interface


Allows the state machine or PC to log rotary motion and detect threshold crossings using the rotary encoder module.

Requires a rotary encoder module board with firmware loaded from:

The rotary encoder module must be connected to a free serial port on the Bpod state machine.

State Machine Command Interface

The state machine command interface consists of bytes sent from the Bpod state machine to the rotary encoder module to start and stop data logging, start/stop data streaming, zero the current position or to re-enable event thresholds that were previously crossed.

= Rotary Encoder Module v1 only

= Rotary Encoder Module v2 only

    • Byte 255 (reserved): Returns module info to state machine

    • 'L' (ASCII 76): Start logging position+time data to the microSD card.

      • Resets logging position to 0, overwriting previously logged data.

    • 'F' (ASCII 70): Finish logging position+time data to the microSD card.

      • Stops logging data. A call to 'R' (see below) must be made to return data to the PC before the next call to 'L'.

    • 'Z' (ASCII 90): Set current rotary encoder position to zero.

    • 'E' (ASCII 69): Enable all position thresholds.

      • Position thresholds are disabled individually once they are crossed, generating a behavior event. Call 'E' to re-enable all of them.

    • 'O' (ASCII 79): Start / Stop module output stream.

      • Following 'O', the module expects 1 byte:

        • 1 to start the module stream

        • 0 to stop the module stream

    • '#' (ASCII 35): Timestamp a byte-message and return via ongoing USB stream. (Note: Req. Firmware v2)

      • Following '#', the module expects 1 byte:

        • a message (0-255)

    • '*' (ASCII 42): 'Push' command. If advanced thresholds were loaded to the device with 't' command (below), make them the current thresholds.

    • 'X' (ASCII 88): Stops streaming + logging.

SerialUSB Command Interface

The SerialUSB command interface allows configuration of the rotary encoder module with MATLAB or Python before a trial begins. It also allows data return from the module's onboard microSD card. The RotaryEncoderModule plugin for Bpod/MATLAB wraps this interface. The first 6 commands are the same as for the state machine interface (though an acknowledgement byte = 1 is returned in each case), and additional commands follow.

= Rotary Encoder Module v1 only

= Rotary Encoder Module v2 only

  • 'R' (ASCII 82): Retrieve captured position data from the module's microSD card. The module replies with the following bytes:

    • nPositionsAcquired (4 bytes; 32-bit int); number of samples acquired since last call to 'L' (see above)

    • for (each position)

        • a position (2 bytes; 16-bit signed int)

        • a timestamp (4 bytes; 32-bit unsigned int)

    • Positions are signed integers in units of rotary encoder tics (1024 = 1 full rotation)

    • Times are given in milliseconds

    • If no data is available, 0 is returned for nPositionsAcquired.

  • 'Q' (ASCII 81): Return the encoder's current position. The module replies with the following bytes:

    • currentPosition (2 bytes; 16-bit signed int);

    • units = rotary encoder tics (1024 / full rotation)

  • 'P' (ASCII 80): Set current rotary encoder position. 'P' (byte 0) is followed by:

    • Bytes 1-2: a 16-bit signed integer indicating the new position.

      • units = rotary encoder tics (1024 / full rotation).

      • Negative values are permitted, but their absolute value must not exceed wrapPoint (see 'W' below).

    • The rotary encoder module returns a byte (1) to confirm that it has finished setting the current position.

    • 'S' (ASCII 83): Start/Stop streaming position and time measurements to the USB port. 'S' (byte 0) is followed by:

      • streamingEnabled (1 byte): 0 to stop USB streaming, 1 to start USB streaming. Also see '#' command above.

      • If enabled, bytes arrive at the USB serial port as follows:

      • while (streamingEnabled)

        • ---For firmware v1:---

        • for (each new position)

          • currentPosition (2 bytes; 16-bit signed int; units = rotary encoder tics (1024 / full rotation)

          • currentTime (4 bytes; 32-bit unsigned int; units = ms)

      • ---For firmware v2:---

        • whichData (1 byte):

          • 'P' (ASCII 80) if position data follows

          • 'E' (ASCII 69) if event data follows

        • IF 'P' was received (position data):

          • nPositions (1 byte): number of positions to read

          • FOR each position in nPositions

              • currentPosition (2 bytes; 16-bit signed int; units = rotary encoder tics (1024 / full rotation)

              • currentTime (4 bytes; 32-bit unsigned int; units = ms)

        • IF 'E' was received (event data):

          • eventOrigin (1 byte): 0 if from state machine, 1-3 reserved for events from TTL and I2C

          • eventCode (1 byte): For state machine events, the "event" byte that followed '#' (above)

            • currentTime (4 bytes; 32-bit unsigned int; units = ms)

        • ---For firmware v3 or newer:---

          • whichData (1 byte):

            • 'P' (ASCII 80) if position data follows

            • 'E' (ASCII 69) if event data follows

          • IF 'P' was received (position data):

            • currentPosition (2 bytes; 16-bit signed int; units = rotary encoder tics (1024 / full rotation)

            • currentTime (4 bytes; 32-bit unsigned int; units = ms)

          • IF 'E' was received (event data):

            • eventOrigin (1 byte): 0 if from state machine, 1-3 reserved for events from TTL and I2C

            • eventCode (1 byte): For state machine events, the "event" byte that followed '#' (above)

            • currentTime (4 bytes; 32-bit unsigned int; units = ms)

    • 'V' (ASCII 86): Enable/Disable event transmission to state machine. 'V' (byte 0) is followed by:

      • eventsEnabled (1 byte): 0 to disable sending threshold events, 1 to enable.

      • The rotary encoder module returns a byte (1) to confirm that it has finished enabling/disabling events.

    • 'T' (ASCII 84): Program position thresholds (used to generate behavior events). 'T' (byte 0) is followed by:

      • nThresholds (1 byte): number of thresholds to use. This must be less than maxThresholds (defined in firmware)

      • for (each threshold between 0 and nThresholds)

        • threshold (16-bit signed integer; units = rotary encoder tics (1024 / full rotation))

      • The absolute value of all thresholds must be less than wrap point (see 'W' below)

      • The rotary encoder module returns a byte (1) to confirm that it has finished programming the list of thresholds.

  • 't' (ASCII 116): Program 'advanced' position thresholds. Advanced thresholds are not made current when loaded to the device, until the device receives a '*' command (see above). Threshold type can be type 0 (position threshold) or type 1 (threshold reached by remaining within position range for a set amount of time). 't' (byte 0) is followed by:

      • nThresholds (1 byte): number of thresholds to program

      • for (each threshold between 0 and nThresholds)

        • thresholdType (1 byte): Either 0 (position threshold) or 1 (time within range)

      • for (each threshold between 0 and nThresholds)

        • threshold (16-bit signed integer): Position threshold. If thresholdType == 1, this is the range boundary (+/- with respect to position 0)

      • for (each threshold between 0 and nThresholds)

        • thresholdTimes (32-bit unsigned integer): Time for thresholdType1 (unit = increments of 100 microseconds)

  • 'W' (ASCII 87): Set wrap point (number of tics in a half-rotation). 'W' (byte 0) is followed by:

    • Bytes 1-2: a 16-bit signed integer indicating the wrapPoint.

      • units = rotary encoder tics (512 / half rotation).

      • wrapPoint is the point at which the lowest permissible negative position is wrapped to the highest permissible positive position.

        • At 512 (default), position wraps from -512 to +512 (for a total of 1024 tics per rotation).

        • At 1024, two full rotations are required in either direction to wrap the current position (i.e. positions between -1024 and +1024 are permissible).

        • wrapPoint can be used to allow thresholds more distant than 1 rotation away from the start point (position 0).

    • The rotary encoder module returns a byte (1) to confirm that it has finished setting the wrapPoint.

  • 'I' (ASCII 73): Set 1-character prefix for module output stream. 'I' (byte 0) is followed by:

      • prefix (1 byte): a prefix-byte sent before each 16-bit position in the output data stream

        • The prefix should match the data format expected by the receiving module

        • The rotary encoder module returns a byte (1) to confirm that it has finished setting the prefix.

  • ';' (ASCII 59): Enable / disable specific event thresholds. ';' (byte 0) is followed by:

      • 1 byte whose bits indicate whether each threshold up to nThresholds is enabled (1) or disabled (0) (for nThresholds, see 'T' command)