

BpodHiFi plays audio waveforms on trigger, using the Bpod HiFi Module.

Example protocols using BpodHiFi() are given here, here and here.

After running Bpod, a BpodHiFi object is initialized with the following syntax:

H = BpodHiFi('COM3');

Where COM3 is the HiFi module's serial port.

The HiFi module is controlled in 2 ways:

  • Setting the BpodHiFi object's fields

  • Calling the BpodHiFi object's functions

Object Fields

    • Port

    • SamplingRate (Hz)

      • 44.1kHz, 48kHz, 96kHz and 192kHz (default) are supported.

      • The sampling rate is a global parameter, affecting all sounds loaded to the device.

    • AMEnvelope (Vector of fractional units in range [0, 1])

      • An AM attenuation vector of up to 2,000 samples to apply on sound onset, and again in reverse on sound offset.

    • HeadphoneAmpEnabled(String)

      • A string specifying whether the headphone amplifier on the base model HiFi module is enabled.

      • Note: The HD model does not have a headphone amp.

      • 'Off': Headphone amplifier is disabled. Audio output is still accessible via the RCA jacks.

      • 'On' Headphone amplifier enabled. Gain is controlled by setting the HeadphoneAmpGain field.

    • HeadphoneAmpGain(Value)

      • Gain of the headphone amplifier (base model HiFi module only)

      • Value in range 0-63 sets the amplifier gain from 0 to its maximum value.

  • DigitalAttenuation_dB(dB)

      • An attenuation factor to constrain the output voltage range of the audio DAC (i.e. digital volume control)

      • dB must be in range [-103, 0] for the base model (-103dB = maximum attenuation, 0dB = no attenuation)

    • dB must be in range [-120, 0] for the HD model (-120dB = maximum attenuation, 0dB = no attenuation)

  • SynthAmplitude(Value)

    • Amplitude of persistent synth waveform

    • Amplitude is in range [0, 1] where 0 = synth disabled and 1 = max amplitude

    • Note: synth amplitude will drop to 0 during playback of loaded waveforms, and resume its set point when no waveform is playing.

    • SynthFrequency(Value, Hz)

      • Frequency of synthesized waveform

      • Range = [20, 80,000]

      • SynthFrequency is ignored when the waveform selected is 'WhiteNoise'

    • SynthWaveform(String)

      • Waveform to synthesize continuously when SynthAmplitude is >0

      • Options are 'WhiteNoise' and 'Sine' (others may be added in future releases)

    • SynthAmplitudeFade(Samples)

      • Number of samples over which to execute a linear amplitude ramp to the new setpoint when a new SynthAmplitude is set

      • Range = [0, 1920000] where 0 is an instant transition

Object Functions

  • load(soundIndex, waveform, *optionalArgs)

    • Transmits an audio waveform to the device.

    • soundIndex = index of the waveform (1-20) * Note, in communications between the state machine and HiFi module these are 0-19

    • waveform = a 1xN (mono) or 2xN (stereo) MATLAB array of audio samples

      • Samples must be double type, in the range [-1, 1].

      • An error is raised if the waveform length exceeds the allowed maximum (5,760,000 samples)

    • The sound is stored in a holding buffer and cannot be triggered, until the next call to 'push' (see below).

      • This allows (for example), the next trial's sound#3 to be safely loaded while the previous sound#3 is still playing and triggerable.

    • Optional arguments are given as argument-value pairs:

      • (...'LoopMode', loopMode...)

        • loopMode = 0 (No looping)

        • loopMode = 1 (Use looping)

      • (...'LoopDuration', loopDuration...)

        • loopDuration is the amount of time to run looping, in seconds. 0 = infinite loop.

        • loopDuration is only valid at the current sampling rate - the sound should be reloaded if sampling rate is changed.

    • If used, optional arguments MUST be given in the order above (for efficiency)

    • Function will retry up to 5 times automatically if the waveform was not successfully transmitted.

  • push()

    • Sets all newly loaded sounds to be the current sounds, and frees their loading buffers for new sounds.

  • play(soundNumber)

    • Plays a sound.

  • stop()

    • Stops playback


  • Clear the BpodHiFi object with clear:

H = BpodHiFi('COM3');

... % Use the HiFi module

clear H

  • Clearing the object releases the serial port, so other applications can access it.

  • If a BpodHiFi object is created locally inside a MATLAB function, the object is cleared automatically when the function returns.