

BpodAudioPlayer plays audio waveforms on trigger, using Ch1+2 of the Analog Output Module (a precision voltage DAC with a dedicated microcontroller). This is a convenient way to deliver sound, in applications where anti-aliasing and other standard sound card features are not critical. For high resolution audio, use the Bpod HiFi Module.

To use AudioPlayer, you must upload AudioPlayer firmware to the output module from here.

Two firmware versions are supported. Their differences are:

    • AudioPlayer

      • 64 sounds max (up to 1M stereo samples each)

      • 96kHz sampling max

      • Loading sounds must occur while sounds are not playing (i.e. before the session or between trials)

    • AudioPlayerLive (beta)

      • 20 sounds max (up to 1M stereo samples each)

      • 44.1kHz sampling max

      • Loading sounds permitted during playback

Both firmware versions feature very low latency playback on trigger (~100-200 microseconds).

Both also support arbitrary onset and offset AM envelopes up to 10k samples, useful for mitigating speaker "pop" and spectral splatter.

After running Bpod, a BpodAudioPlayer object is initialized with the following syntax:

A = BpodAudioPlayer('COM3');

Where COM3 is the analog output module's serial port.

The BpodAudioPlayer device is controlled in 2 ways:

  • Setting the BpodAudioPlayer object's fields

  • Calling the BpodAudioPlayer object's functions

Object Fields

    • Port

    • SamplingRate (Hz)

      • 1Hz-96kHz

      • With AudioPlayerLive firmware, this range is restricted to: 1Hz-44.1kHz.

    • LoadMode

      • A string specifying a transmission scheme for loading sound data -> USB -> microSD card:

        • 'Fast' loads quickly, but may interrupt ongoing playback

        • 'Safe'* loads more slowly, with care not to disrupt playback**

        • *AudioPlayerLive firmware only

        • **Please verify this mode on your own system; USB host controllers and OS drivers may cause unexpected results.

          • To use 'Safe' mode effectively, you must have PsychToolbox installed.

    • Waveforms (Cell)

      • Local copy of all waveforms loaded to microSD with loadSound() function.

    • TriggerMode (String)

      • A string specifying how to handle incoming bytes from the Bpod State Machine:

        • 'Normal' - plays the triggered sound, and ignores triggers that arrive during playback

        • 'Master' - triggers can force-start a new sound during playback.

        • 'Toggle' - starts playback. Stops playback if the same sound is triggered during playback.

    • LoopMode (String)

      • A string specifying whether loop mode is on or off for each channel

        • 'On' loops the waveform until LoopDuration seconds, or until toggled off

        • 'Off' = plays the waveform once

    • LoopDuration (Seconds)

      • In loop mode, specifies the duration to loop the waveform following a trigger.

      • Units = seconds

    • AMEnvelope (Vector of fractional units in range [0 1])

      • An AM attenuation vector of up to 10,000 samples to apply on sound onset, and again in reverse on sound offset.

    • BpodEvents (String)

      • 'Off': No feedback to the Bpod state machine

      • 'On' generates a serial event when starting playback, and again when playback finishes.

        • The event byte specifies which sound was started or stopped

        • e.g. byte 3 = sound 3 started (or stopped) playback.

Object Functions

  • loadSound(soundNumber, waveform)

    • Transmits a voltage waveform to the device.

    • soundNumber = index of the waveform (1-64, or 1-20 with AudioPlayerLive firmware)

    • waveform = a 1xN MATLAB array of voltages (samples in volts)

      • Voltages must be in the range [-5 to +5].

      • An error is raised if the waveform exceeds the allowed maximum (1M samples)

    • With AudioPlayerLive, the sound is stored in a holding buffer and cannot be triggered, until the next call to 'push' (see below).

      • This allows (for example), the next trial's sound#3 to be safely loaded while the previous sound#3 is still playing and triggerable.

    • Function returns an error if waveform was not successfully transmitted.

  • push() *AudioPlayerLive only

    • Sets all newly loaded sounds to be the current sounds, and frees the loading buffers for new sounds.

  • play(soundNumber)

    • Plays a sound.

  • stop()

    • Stops playback

  • setupSDCard()

    • Must be run before first use with a new card.

    • Creates an empty data file on the module's microSD card, where waveforms will be stored.

    • Setup may take ~1 minute, depending on the microSD card's speed. A Sandisk U1 class card is strongly recommended.


  • Clear the BpodAudioPlayer object with clear:

A = BpodAudioPlayer('COM3');

... % Use the audio player

clear A

  • Clearing the object releases the serial port, so other applications can access it.

  • If a BpodAudioPlayer object is created locally inside a MATLAB function, the object is cleared automatically when the function returns.