


Sets the threshold and monitored event for one of the 5 global counters.

  • Global counters can count instances of events, and handle when the count exceeds a threshold from any state (by triggering a state change).

  • For more on global counters, see Using State Matrices.


NewStateMatrix = SetGlobalCounter(StateMachineStruct, CounterNumber, TargetEventName, Threshold)


  • StateMachineStruct: The state matrix whose global timer you are setting.

  • CounterNumber: The number of the counter you are setting (an integer, 1-5).

  • TargetEventName: The name of the event to count (a string; see Input Event Codes)

  • Threshold: The number of event instances to count. (an integer).


  • A state machine struct, updated with the new global counter setting.


% This code generates a state machine that sets a global counter to count 5 BNC1High events, resets the count to 0 in the second state, and handles it in the third and fourth states.

sma = NewStateMatrix();

sma = SetGlobalCounter(sma, 1, 'BNC1High', 5);

sma = AddState(sma, 'Name', 'State1', ... % BNC1High Events in this state are not counted because the count will be reset.

'Timer', 1,...

'StateChangeConditions', {'Tup', 'State2'},...

'OutputActions', {});

sma = AddState(sma, 'Name', 'State2', ... % This state resets the global counter.

'Timer', 0,...

'StateChangeConditions', {'Tup', 'State3'},...

'OutputActions', {'GlobalCounterReset', 1});

sma = AddState(sma, 'Name', 'State3', ...

'Timer', 0,...

'StateChangeConditions', {'Port1In', 'State4', 'GlobalCounter1_End', 'exit'},...

'OutputActions', {});

sma = AddState(sma, 'Name', 'State4', ...

'Timer', 0,...

'StateChangeConditions', {'Port1Out', 'State3', 'GlobalCounter1_End', 'exit'},...

'OutputActions', {});