

Sends strings of text to a TCP server via Ethernet using Arduino Leonardo with the Arduino Ethernet Shield as a serial slave device controlled by Bpod.

  • Arduino Leonardo must be connected by USB to the same computer as Bpod.

  • The Bpod Arduino shield must be plugged into the Arduino Ethernet shield.

  • A CAT6 Ethernet cable (see Bpod Arduino shield BOM) must connect the Bpod Arduino shield to one of the two Bpod serial ports.

  • Load the SerialEthernet firmware to the Arduino Leonardo board: /Bpod/Firmware/SerialEthernetModule/SerialEthernetModule.ino

  • The SerialEthernet module acquires its own IP address (DHCP), and connects to a remote TCP server when given its IP and port.

  • The user can load up to 32 text strings before each trial, if they total under 2kB.

  • Bytes received on the hardware serial port (not USB) trigger the corresponding text string (1-32) to be sent to the remote server with <1ms latency.

  • Transmission mode can be configured - "0" = normal, "1" = TCP connection is closed and re-opened after each transmission.

  • If initial connection to a remote TCP server fails, the plugin throws an error. Otherwise, it reports a successful connection to the MATLAB command window.


To initialize:

SerialEthernet('Init', SerialPort)

To connect to a remote TCP server:

SerialEthernet('Connect', RemoteIP, RemotePort)

To set the transmission mode:

SerialEthernet('MessageMode', Mode)

To load a text string to the SerialEthernet module:

SerialEthernet('LoadString', StringID, String)

To test-send a string:

SerialEthernet('TriggerString', StringID)

To close the SerialEthernet module:



  • SerialPort: A string specifying the Arduino Leonardo serial port (e.g. 'COM3' or '/dev/ttyUSBS101')

  • RemoteIP: The IP address of the remote TCP server, formatted as a vector of 4 integers (e.g. [192 168 1 101]).

  • RemotePort: The port of the remote TCP server (a positive integer in the range 1-65535)

  • Mode: Some TCP connections on Ethernet enabled devices automatically close if held open for too long. If Mode=0, strings are sent and the connection is left open. If Mode=1, the TCP connection is closed and re-opened after each string is sent. Note that this may affect how frequently you can send strings.

  • StringID: A byte specifying which string to load or test-send (1-32).

  • String: A character array with the text string to load.

    • The total of all strings loaded must be under 2KB. Strings can be re-loaded between trials.




% 1. This code connects to a remote TCP server, loads a string and test-sends it.

RemoteIP = [192 168 1 101]; RemotePort = 3336; % Set parameters

Message = 'Hello TCP server. I am Bpod.';

SerialEthernet('Init', 'COM3'); % Initialize SerialEthernet on port COM3

SerialEthernet('Connect', RemoteIP, RemotePort); % Connect to the remote TCP server

SerialEthernet('LoadString', 3, Message); % Load a string into slot 3 of 32

SerialEthernet('TriggerString', 3); % Test-send string 3 to the TCP server

SerialEthernet('close'); % Close connection to SerialEthernet

% 2. This code connects to a remote TCP server, loads a string and creates a state matrix to trigger it.

% the code assumes that the SerialEthernet module is connected to Bpod serial port 1 (of 2).

RemoteIP = [192 168 1 101]; RemotePort = 3336; % Set parameters

Message = 'Hello TCP server. I am Bpod.';

SerialEthernet('Init', 'COM3'); % Initialize SerialEthernet on port COM3

SerialEthernet('Connect', RemoteIP, RemotePort); % Connect to the remote TCP server

SerialEthernet('LoadString', 3, Message); % Load a string into slot 3 of 32

sma = NewStateMatrix();

sma = AddState(sma, 'Name', 'State1', ...

'Timer', 1,...

'StateChangeConditions', {'Tup', 'exit'},...

'OutputActions', {'Serial1Code', 3}); % Send string 3 to the remote TCP server