


Displays the settings from the "GUI" subfield of a settings struct in a user interface for viewing and manual override.

  • The GUI subfield names (i.e. X in Settings.GUI.X) are displayed on the left. Edit boxes populated with parameter values for each X are shown on the right.

  • In the current version, only numerical parameters are valid, and only text edit boxes are used to show parameters.

  • When synced, the GUI will display any changes to the parameter values since the last sync.

  • If the user manually edited a parameter, this becomes the new value irrespective of changes the machine made to the parameter in the intervening time.

  • An example GUI automatically generated from this struct:

Settings.SamplingRate = 44100

Settings.GUI.SineWaveFrequency = 500;

Settings.GUI.SpeakerType = 1;

is shown here:


On first call:

BpodParameterGUI('init', Settings)

On subsequent calls:

NewSettings = BpodParameterGUI('sync', Settings)


  • Settings: A struct of settings and parameters with at least some numeric parameters in the subfield "GUI"


  • NewSettings: The settings struct, updated with any parameter changes manually entered by the user


% 1. This code initializes a Bpod settings struct selected on protocol launch, and syncs it on each of 10 trials.

% Import settings or populate if empty

S = BpodSystem.ProtocolSettings; % Load settings chosen in launch manager into current workspace as a struct called S

if isempty(fieldnames(S)) % If settings file was an empty struct, populate struct with default settings

S.GUI.SoundDuration = 0.5; % Duration of sound (s)

S.GUI.TimeoutDuration = 2; % Duration of timeout for punishment (s)


% Initialize parameter GUI plugin

BpodParameterGUI('init', S);

% Run 10 trials:

for currentTrial = 1:10

S = BpodParameterGUI('sync', S); % Sync parameters with BpodParameterGUI plugin

...Create, send and run state matrix, add and save events, update S with new parameters based on performance
