

Packages raw events returned from RunStateMatrix() into a session data struct.

  • State codes and event codes are decoded so the session data is human-readable


UpdatedSessionData = AddTrialEvents(PreviousSessionData, RawEvents)


  • PreviousSessionData: The session data struct (or an empty struct for the first trial).

  • RawEvents: The struct of raw events returned from RunStateMatrix().


  • UpdatedSessionData: A struct contatining data from all trials. It has the following fields:

    • nTrials: The number of trials that have been added

    • RawEvents: A struct containing re-organized state and event timestamps for each trial, labeled so they are human-readable.

      • RawEvents.Trial{n} has two sub-fields, populated depending on what occurred during the trial:

        • States: the times when each state was entered and exited (in seconds). States that were not visited show NaN.

        • Events: the times when each event was detected (in seconds).

    • RawData: A struct containing three fields:

      • OriginalStateNamesByNumber: A cell array of strings listing the names of each state (for matching states up with state numbers sent via the sync port)

        • Note that state numbers are assigned automatically depending on the order of states added with AddState - so if you programmed your protocol to add states (or refer to not-yet-added states) in a different order on each trial, state numbers on each trial may be different.

      • OriginalStateData: A cell array containing the original state codes returned from RunStateMatrix on each trial

      • OriginalEventData: A cell array containing the original event codes returned from RunStateMatrix on each trial

    • TrialStartTimestamp: The time when each trial started (measured from the last time Bpod was initialized)

    • Settings: A cell array of strings containing the settings struct as it existed when each trial's state matrix was sent.


% This code sends "sma" (an existing state matrix) to Bpod, runs it 10 times, and packages the raw events for analysis.


SessionData = struct;

for i = 1:10

RawEvents = RunStateMatrix;

SessionData = AddTrialEvents(SessionData, RawEvents);
