We offer the Scouts BSA program to all youth in the community who are between the ages of 11 and 18, and to those who are not yet 11 but have earned the Arrow of Light as a Webelos. Our troop meets regularly with our affiliated girls' troop, T2400.
We are chartered by Bethel Lutheran Church:
Meetings: Mondays, 7-8 p.m., Torvend Hall
Bethel Lutheran Church
10181 Finch Avenue, Cupertino, CA
Boys and Girls Troop 400|2400 promotes the development of citizens who will have Competence, Self-reliance and Resilience; Personal, Steadfast values; the Desire and Skills to Help Others; Teamwork, Communication, and Leadership Skills. They are taught through a proven system of youth-led outdoor challenges and practical skills development. They are citizens that honor the individual social-emotional development of each person and welcome people of all backgrounds and abilities.
We are powered by many dedicated parents who help support in the background and on the Troop Committee to ensure that the programs are successful in achieving these goals, and are enriching experiences for all scouts.
Leadership positions are all held by scouts. As the scouts gain experience and earn advancements, they become leaders in their patrols, and in the troop. They teach scouting skills to each other, and in turn learn by serving and leading. Weekly meetings include time for planning events, and time for learning Scout skills covering first aid, knots, camping, cooking and more. Often there are games on the blacktop like basketball and Capture the Flag.
The troop participates in community service activities that support our local community, and help build character. Recent activities include trail clearing and recyclables sorting and the annual Scouting for Food drive program. T400 scouts honor our fallen soldiers with flag planting service on Memorial Day every year. Our program includes monthly campouts at one of the many great camps in our area of Northern California. And each Summer our scouts attend a week-long summer camp at Camp Hi-Sierra or Wente Scout Reservation. We send trekking crews to Philmont High Adventure Base every other year.
Troop 400 adheres to traditional Scouts BSA programs and promotes the three aims of scouting:
Build Character - Foster Citizenship - Develop Fitness