I am primarily interested in studying economic implications of information frictions and uncertainty, with an eye towards evidence-based policymaking.  In particular, I study the role of information frictions in shaping (i) contracting design, (ii) financial market trading, and (iii) macroeconomic dynamics. 

Contracting under Information Frictions

 A nontechnical summary here. AEIdeas coverage here.  Code here. Data reference list here. Compensation change data here.

WSJ coverage here   

Real Effects of Uncertainty

A nontechnical summary of the index construction here. A cross-country version here.        

Mentioned in the Wall Street Journal  here;  Brookings here;  Deutsche Bank Research here

                               Chicago Booth Review here; Two Sigma Investments here;  Cato Institute here;

                               Menzie Chinn's and James Hamilton's blog: EconBrowser here.

Financial Market Effects of Asymmetric Information

           Coverage: QuantPedia here    ValueWalk  here