
Welcome to my website. I am an Associate Professor in the Economics Department at the University of Navarra. I am also a Resident Fellow in the Navarra Center for International Development (NCID), University of Navarra.

Research interests:

(·) Primary: Applied econometrics, Political economy, Public economics

(·) Secondary: Development, Education, Energy

Contact information:

    Email: mborrella@unav.es // miguelangel.borrella@gmail.com

    Mobile: +34 636 910631 / +34 948 42 56 00 (ext. 802439)

    Mailing address: Departamento de Economía

                               Edificio Amigos

                               Universidad de Navarra

                               31009 Pamplona (Spain)

Last update: September 2023

Santiago de Chile, 2023