

Teaching by asking questions:


Mystery Science


Ayn Rand summary on Education


Ayn Rand's concept of independence can provide the basis for understanding the meaning of "freedom" in education. According to most educational theorists, teacher "intervention" into a child's activities (e.g., setting course requirements, enforcing discipline, setting goals, even correcting students' errors) interferes with a child's independence. The traditionalists retain intervention but reject independence as a goal, and the progressives advocate independence but forsake cognitive instruction.

Teachers are left with a false alternative: they must choose between teaching and independence. But, in fact, teacher intervention -- is a primary tool for helping students to attain full independence. Ayn Rand showed that the essence of independence is cognitive: independence is reliance on one's own judgment. While the capacity for independent choice is inherent in man, the skills and confidence necessary for self-reliance do not arise automatically. Teacher intervention-i.e., instruction and guidance-provides enormous benefits: for the most able students, such intervention is a time-saver; for the least able, it is a life-saver.

This video is a part of full lectures on Human Nature, by Stephen Hicks