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books of knowledge in English

The words and phrases in a literary work become boats

that travel the reader away, carrying in their barns the joys and difficulties of life. They are filled in their magical journey with various emotions, with joy and agony, with emotion and pride, with sweet expectation and reflection. In other words, somewhat more theoretically and majestically, they give them aesthetic pleasure.




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Playing for Pizza by John Grisham

260 pages

Playing for Pizza is a short novel by John Grisham, released on September 25, 2007. The novel is about an itinerant American football player who can no longer get work in the National Football League and whose agent, as a last resort, signs a deal for him to play for the Parma Panthers, in Parma, Italy.


Rick Dockery is the third-string quarterback for the Cleveland Browns. In the AFC Championship game, to the surprise and dismay of virtually everyone, Rick actually gets into the game. With a seventeen-point lead and just minutes to go, Rick provides what is arguably the worst single performance in the history of the NFL. Overnight, he becomes a national laughingstock—and is immediately cut by the Browns and shunned by all other teams.

But all Rick knows is football, and he insists that his agent find a team that needs him. Against enormous odds, Rick finally gets a job—as the starting quarterback for the Mighty Panthers . . . of Parma, Italy. The Parma Panthers desperately want a former NFL player—any former NFL player—at their helm. And now they’ve got Rick, who knows nothing about Parma (not even where it is) and doesn’t speak a word of Italian. To say that Italy—the land of fine wines, extremely small cars, and football americano—holds a few surprises for Rick Dockery would be something of an understatement.





2020 - 11 book

The Positive Power Of Negative Thinking Paperback – September 5, 2002

by Julie Norem (Author)


As the positive psychology movement gains momentum, both within psychology and in the broader culture, it becomes increasingly important to ensure that the complexity of individual personality and psychological processes do not get lost in a “one‐size‐fits‐all” approach to improving human functioning. In this article, we consider some of the ways that the costs and benefits of different kinds of optimism and pessimism may vary across different individuals, situations, and cultural contexts. We use defensive pessimism research to illustrate that there are times when pessimism and negative thinking are indeed positive psychology, as they lead to better performance and personal growth. We also consider the ways in which dominant American culture—and research in psychology—may underestimate some of the costs of optimism. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Clin Psychol 58: 993–1001, 2002.


How often are we urged to "look on the bright side"? From Norman Vincent Peale to the ubiquitous smiley face, optimism has become an essential part of American society. In this long-overdue book, psychologist Julie Norem offers convincing evidence that, for many people, positive thinking is an ineffective strategy -- and often an obstacle -- for successfully coping with the anxieties and pressures of modern life. Drawing on her own research and many vivid case histories, Norem provides evidence of the powerful benefits of "defensive pessimism," which has helped millions to manage anxiety and perform their best work.


Defensive Pessimism is a strategy of imagining the worst-case scenario in any situation. This book shows how indulging in negative thoughts actually helps people go on to do their best by preparing for the worst. In fact, the author has found that many people perform more poorly when forced to think positively, since negative thinking is often an effective strategy for managing anxiety. In this book, the author tells the stories of people who have harnessed the power of their negative thinking to increase their self-esteem and make significant progress toward their personal goals. At the same time, she shows how this strategy of Defensive Pessimism differs from the standard optimistic approach—and how friends, husbands and wives, and coworkers with different perspectives can understand one another and work together. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)





02 book

Title The Art Of Thinking Clearly

Author : Rolf Dobelli

The Art of Thinking Clearly — Table of Contents

1 Why You Should Visit Cemeteries: Survivorship Bias

2 Does Harvard Make You Smarter?: Swimmer’s Body Illusion

3 Why You See Shapes in Clouds: Clustering Illusion

4 If Fifty Million People Say Something Foolish, It Is Still Foolish: Social Proof

5 Why You Should Forget the Past: Sunk Cost Fallacy

6 Don’t Accept Free Drinks: Reciprocity

7 Beware the “Special Case”: Confirmation Bias (Part 1)

8 Murder Your Darlings: Confirmation Bias (Part 2)

9 Don’t Bow to Authority: Authority Bias

10 Leave Your Supermodel Friends at Home: Contrast Effect

11 Why We Prefer a Wrong Map to None at All: Availability Bias

12 Why “No Pain, No Gain” Should Set Alarm Bells Ringing: The It’ll-Get-Worse-Before-It-Gets-Better Fallacy

13 Even True Stories Are Fairy Tales: Story Bias

14 Why You Should Keep a Diary: Hindsight Bias

15 Why You Systematically Overestimate Your Knowledge and Abilities: Overconfidence Effect

16 Don’t Take News Anchors Seriously: Chauffeur Knowledge

17 You Control Less Than You Think: Illusion of Control

18 Never Pay Your Lawyer by the Hour: Incentive Super-Response Tendency

19 The Dubious Efficacy of Doctors, Consultants, and Psychotherapists: Regression to Mean

20 Never Judge a Decision by Its Outcome: Outcome Bias

21 Less Is More: Paradox of Choice

22 You Like Me, You Really, Really Like Me: Liking Bias

23 Don’t Cling to Things: Endowment Effect

24 The Inevitability of Unlikely Events: Coincidence

25 The Calamity of Conformity: Groupthink

26 Why You’ll Soon Be Playing Megatrillions: Neglect of Probability

27 Why the Last Cookie in the Jar Makes Your Mouth Water: Scarcity Error

28 When You Hear Hoofbeats, Don’t Expect a Zebra: Base-Rate Neglect

29 Why the “Balancing Force of the Universe” Is Baloney: Gambler’s Fallacy

30 Why the Wheel of Fortune Makes Our Heads Spin: The Anchor

31 How to Relieve People of Their Millions: Induction

32 Why Evil Is More Striking Than Good: Loss Aversion

33 Why Teams Are Lazy: Social Loafing

34 Stumped by a Sheet of Paper: Exponential Growth

35 Curb Your Enthusiasm: Winner’s Curse

36 Never Ask a Writer If the Novel Is Autobiographical: Fundamental Attribution Error

37 Why You Shouldn’t Believe in the Stork: False Causality

38 Why Attractive People Climb the Career Ladder More Quickly: Halo Effect

39 Congratulations! You’ve Won Russian Roulette: Alternative Paths

40 False Prophets: Forecast Illusion

41 The Deception of Specific Cases: Conjunction Fallacy

42 It’s Not What You Say, but How You Say It: Framing

43 Why Watching and Waiting Is Torture: Action Bias

44 Why You Are Either the Solution—or the Problem: Omission Bias

45 Don’t Blame Me: Self-Serving Bias

46 Be Careful What You Wish For: Hedonic Treadmill

47 Do Not Marvel at Your Existence: Self-Selection Bias

48 Why Experience Can Damage Your Judgment: Association Bias

49 Be Wary When Things Get Off to a Great Start: Beginner’s Luck

50 Sweet Little Lies: Cognitive Dissonance

51 Live Each Day as If It Were Your Last—But Only on Sundays: Hyperbolic Discounting

52 Any Lame Excuse: “Because” Justification

53 Decide Better—Decide Less: Decision Fatigue

54 Would You Wear Hitler’s Sweater?: Contagion Bias

55 Why There Is No Such Thing as an Average War: The Problem with Averages

56 How Bonuses Destroy Motivation: Motivation Crowding

57 If You Have Nothing to Say, Say Nothing: Twaddle Tendency

58 How to Increase the Average IQ of Two States: Will Rogers Phenomeno

59 If You Have an Enemy, Give Him Information: Information Bias

60 Hurts So Good: Effort Justification

61 Why Small Things Loom Large: The Law of Small Numbers

62 Handle with Care: Expectations

63 Speed Traps Ahead!: Simple Logic

64 How to Expose a Charlatan: Forer Effect

65 Volunteer Work Is for the Birds: Volunteer’s Folly

66 Why You Are a Slave to Your Emotions: Affect Heuristic

67 Be Your Own Heretic: Introspection Illusion

68 Why You Should Set Fire to Your Ships: Inability to Close Doors

69 Disregard the Brand New: Neomania

70 Why Propaganda Works: Sleeper Effect

71 Why It’s Never Just a Two-Horse Race: Alternative Blindness

72 Why We Take Aim at Young Guns: Social Comparison Bias

73 Why First Impressions Are Deceiving: Primacy and Recency Effects

74 Why You Can’t Beat Homemade: Not-Invented-Here Syndrome

75 How to Profit from the Implausible: The Black Swan

76 Knowledge Is Nontransferrable: Domain Dependence

77 The Myth of Like-Mindedness: False-Consensus Effect

78 You Were Right All Along: Falsification of History

79 Why You Identify with Your Football Team: In-Group Out-Group Bias

80 The Difference between Risk and Uncertainty: Ambiguity Aversion

81 Why You Go with the Status Quo: Default Effect

82 Why “Last Chances” Make Us Panic: Fear of Regret

83 How Eye-Catching Details Render Us Blind: Salience Effect

84 Why Money Is Not Naked: House-Money Effect

85 Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work: Procrastination

86 Build Your Own Castle: Envy

87 Why You Prefer Novels to Statistics: Personification

88 You Have No Idea What You Are Overlooking: Illusion of Attention

89 Hot Air: Strategic Misrepresentation

90 Where’s the Off Switch?: Overthinking

91 Why You Take On Too Much: Planning Fallacy

92 Those Wielding Hammers See Only Nails: Déformation Professionnelle

93 Mission Accomplished: Zeigarnik Effect

94 The Boat Matters More Than the Rowing: Illusion of Skill

95 Why Checklists Deceive You: Feature-Positive Effect

96 Drawing the Bull’s-Eye around the Arrow: Cherry Picking

97 The Stone Age Hunt for Scapegoats: Fallacy of the Single Cause

98 Why Speed Demons Appear to Be Safer Drivers: Intention-to-Treat Error

99 Why You Shouldn’t Read the News: News Illusion


2020 - 13


Author: Athanasios An. ANGELOPOULOS

Language : Greek


Shortly before the End ... The Omphalos ( Navel ) is reactivated in Greece and gives the last and biggest "show" at the dawn of the 21st century. It reveals, using the most original method of the centuries - the Greek Mathematical Language - almost everything one should know about oneself, the Logical and Absurd Man who is the greatest god of the Universe. This book reveals: The Miracle of the Greek Mathematical Language, Our True Prehistory, The Origin of the Phoenician Alphabet, Who is the Antichrist (number 666), The Two Basic and Opposite Forces of the Universe, The End of Another Civilization, Greece and Atlantis, The Great Pyramid of Cheops, The Perfect Parthenon, The God Brain, Biorhythms, Birth: choice in the sex of the child.























Number of pages


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The PERMA Model: Your Scientific Theory of Happiness

Everyone seems to be in the pursuit of happiness nowadays, but what if we had a model—like the PERMA model—to help guide us?

There are many ways to reach happiness, including training your mind for happiness, spending money on others, and following the guidelines presented here for well-being and happiness.

What are the actual elements that promote happiness within each of us and how can we foster communities that prioritize humans who thrive together?

Seligman’s theoretical model of happiness (PERMA) helps us understand these elements and what we can do to maximize each element to reach a life full of happiness.

Before you read on, we thought you might like to download our 3 Positive Psychology Exercises for free. These science-based exercises will explore fundamental aspects of positive psychology including strengths, values and self-compassion and will give you the tools to enhance the wellbeing of your clients, students or employees.

You can download the free PDF here.

This article contains:

Seligman’s PERMA Model

A scientific theory to happiness - perma model

Martin Seligman, one of the founders of positive psychology, developed a five core element of psychological well-being and happiness. Seligman believes that these five elements can help people work towards a life of fulfillment, happiness, and meaning.

Institutions can also use this model to develop programs that help people discover and use new cognitive and emotional tools.

We explore each of these elements below.

P – Positive Emotion

This element is, perhaps, the most obvious connection to happiness. Focusing on positive emotions is more than smiling: it is the ability to remain optimistic and view one’s past, present, and future from a constructive perspective.

A positive view can help in relationships and work, and inspire others to be more creative and take more chances. In everyone’s life, there are highs and lows; focusing on “the lows” does increase your chances of developing depression, although the equation for depression is very complicated.

Regardless, there are many health benefits to optimism and positivity.

How do we distinguish between pleasure and enjoyment for this? Pleasure is connected to satisfying bodily needs for survival, such as thirst, hunger, and sleep. Whereas enjoyment comes from intellectual stimulation and creativity.

When a child completes a complex lego car that requires their concentration, for example, they might beam with joy and satisfaction from their work.

This type of positive emotion is crucial. It can help people enjoys the daily tasks in their lives and persevere with challenges they will face by remaining optimistic about eventual outcomes.

E – Engagement

Activities that meet our need for engagement flood the body with positive neurotransmitters and hormones that elevate one’s sense of well-being. This engagement helps us remain present, as well as synthesize the activities where we find calm, focus, and joy.

People find enjoyment in different things, whether it’s playing an instrument, playing a sport, dancing, working on an interesting project at work or even just a hobby.

When time truly “flies by” during an activity, it is likely because the people involved were experiencing this sense of engagement.

We all need something in our lives that absorbs us into the current moment, creating a ‘flow’ of blissful immersion into the task or activity. This type of ‘flow’ of engagement stretches our intelligence, skills, and emotional capabilities.

R – Relationships

Relationships and social connections are crucial to meaningful lives.

Too often, the pursuit of happiness has this Western bias of “individuality” where each person steers their personal happiness ship to shore. This is not realistic. We are social animals who are hard-wired to bond and depend on other humans. Hence, the basic need for healthy relationships.

We thrive on connections that promote love, intimacy, and a strong emotional and physical interaction with other humans. Positive relationships with one’s parents, siblings, peers, coworkers, and friends is a key ingredient to overall joy. Strong relationships also provide support in difficult times that require resilience.

In an interview with Dr. Mitch Printein’s about his course on the psychology of popularity, Printein explained the research on pain centers in the human brain.

Basically, our pain centers become activated when we are at risk of isolation. From an evolutionary perspective, isolation is the worse thing we could do for survival.

These activation centers are like fire alarms in the body, discouraging people to continue feeling this pain, and ideally, reconnect socially with someone or a group. We need, neurologically, to know that we belong to a group; it helps us feel safe and valued, and has for millions of years.

M – Meaning

Having an answer as to “why are we on this earth?” is a key ingredient that can drive us towards fulfillment.

Religion and spirituality provide many people with meaning, as can working for a good company, raising children, volunteering for a greater cause, and expressing ourselves creatively.

Unfortunately, the media worships glamour and the pursuit of material wealth, impacting many people to feel like money is the gateway to happiness. While we do need money to pay for basic needs, once those basic needs are met and financial stress is not an issue, money is not what provides people with happiness.

Understanding the impact of your work and why you chose to “show up at the office” may help you enjoy the tasks and become more satisfied with what you do. Whether you work in an office or not, think of what you spend most of your time doing. What does that activity provide you with?

Check out Itai Ivtzan’s Awareness-Meaning Therapy if you want more resources on this weighty aspect of happiness. His video in that link on “Awareness is Freedom” has provided inspiration to reflect and change for thousands of people.

A – Accomplishments

Having goals and ambition in life can help us to achieve things that can give us a sense of accomplishment. You should make realistic goals that can be met and just putting in the effort to achieving those goals can already give you a sense of satisfaction when you finally achieve those goals a sense of pride and fulfillment will be reached.

Having accomplishments in life is important to push ourselves to thrive and flourish.

How to Apply the PERMA Model in Your Life

Being aware of the PERMA model might help you consider the meaning and fulfillment to your life. The next step is to integrate this model with your daily life.

As a start, we recommend you refer to the 5 elements of the model often. Find the things that make you happy and can make you fully engaged. You could even put goals on challenging yourself in the activities you enjoy. Focus on your relationships with your family and friends, and find ways to connect with others, even if it does not come naturally to you at first. Find the meaning to your life and what gives you a sense of purpose. It’s different for everyone.

How might you apply any element of the PERMA model into your life? Have you found success in any parts of it? We would love to hear your ideas in our comments section below the infographic.

You can also download the printable version of the infographic here.

Still hungry for more information and how the PERMA model can enact the necessary change towards more meaning-rich lives? Then we recommend you watch this video below that provides greater context and information. Also, be sure to read this blog post about happiness quotes and the science behind them.

Watch Seligman Discuss His PERMA Model



infographic perma model
girl playing an instrument - PERMA engagement positive psychology
family playing board game - PERMA relationships positive psychology

Dec 13, 2012


Professor Martin Seligman discusses his foirmula for wellbeing: PERMA

duration 25:05 minutes

We hope you enjoyed reading this article. Don’t forget to download our 3 Positive Psychology Exercises for free.

If you wish for more, our Positive Psychology Toolkit© contains over 300 science-based positive psychology exercises, interventions, questionnaires and assessments for practitioners to use in their therapy, coaching or workplace.




2020 - 11 book

The Positive Power Of Negative Thinking Paperback – September 5, 2002

by Julie Norem (Author)


As the positive psychology movement gains momentum, both within psychology and in the broader culture, it becomes increasingly important to ensure that the complexity of individual personality and psychological processes do not get lost in a “one‐size‐fits‐all” approach to improving human functioning. In this article, we consider some of the ways that the costs and benefits of different kinds of optimism and pessimism may vary across different individuals, situations, and cultural contexts. We use defensive pessimism research to illustrate that there are times when pessimism and negative thinking are indeed positive psychology, as they lead to better performance and personal growth. We also consider the ways in which dominant American culture—and research in psychology—may underestimate some of the costs of optimism. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Clin Psychol 58: 993–1001, 2002.


How often are we urged to "look on the bright side"? From Norman Vincent Peale to the ubiquitous smiley face, optimism has become an essential part of American society. In this long-overdue book, psychologist Julie Norem offers convincing evidence that, for many people, positive thinking is an ineffective strategy -- and often an obstacle -- for successfully coping with the anxieties and pressures of modern life. Drawing on her own research and many vivid case histories, Norem provides evidence of the powerful benefits of "defensive pessimism," which has helped millions to manage anxiety and perform their best work.


Defensive Pessimism is a strategy of imagining the worst-case scenario in any situation. This book shows how indulging in negative thoughts actually helps people go on to do their best by preparing for the worst. In fact, the author has found that many people perform more poorly when forced to think positively, since negative thinking is often an effective strategy for managing anxiety. In this book, the author tells the stories of people who have harnessed the power of their negative thinking to increase their self-esteem and make significant progress toward their personal goals. At the same time, she shows how this strategy of Defensive Pessimism differs from the standard optimistic approach—and how friends, husbands and wives, and coworkers with different perspectives can understand one another and work together. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)





02 book

Title The Art Of Thinking Clearly

Author : Rolf Dobelli

The Art of Thinking Clearly — Table of Contents

1 Why You Should Visit Cemeteries: Survivorship Bias

2 Does Harvard Make You Smarter?: Swimmer’s Body Illusion

3 Why You See Shapes in Clouds: Clustering Illusion

4 If Fifty Million People Say Something Foolish, It Is Still Foolish: Social Proof

5 Why You Should Forget the Past: Sunk Cost Fallacy

6 Don’t Accept Free Drinks: Reciprocity

7 Beware the “Special Case”: Confirmation Bias (Part 1)

8 Murder Your Darlings: Confirmation Bias (Part 2)

9 Don’t Bow to Authority: Authority Bias

10 Leave Your Supermodel Friends at Home: Contrast Effect

11 Why We Prefer a Wrong Map to None at All: Availability Bias

12 Why “No Pain, No Gain” Should Set Alarm Bells Ringing: The It’ll-Get-Worse-Before-It-Gets-Better Fallacy

13 Even True Stories Are Fairy Tales: Story Bias

14 Why You Should Keep a Diary: Hindsight Bias

15 Why You Systematically Overestimate Your Knowledge and Abilities: Overconfidence Effect

16 Don’t Take News Anchors Seriously: Chauffeur Knowledge

17 You Control Less Than You Think: Illusion of Control

18 Never Pay Your Lawyer by the Hour: Incentive Super-Response Tendency

19 The Dubious Efficacy of Doctors, Consultants, and Psychotherapists: Regression to Mean

20 Never Judge a Decision by Its Outcome: Outcome Bias

21 Less Is More: Paradox of Choice

22 You Like Me, You Really, Really Like Me: Liking Bias

23 Don’t Cling to Things: Endowment Effect

24 The Inevitability of Unlikely Events: Coincidence

25 The Calamity of Conformity: Groupthink

26 Why You’ll Soon Be Playing Megatrillions: Neglect of Probability

27 Why the Last Cookie in the Jar Makes Your Mouth Water: Scarcity Error

28 When You Hear Hoofbeats, Don’t Expect a Zebra: Base-Rate Neglect

29 Why the “Balancing Force of the Universe” Is Baloney: Gambler’s Fallacy

30 Why the Wheel of Fortune Makes Our Heads Spin: The Anchor

31 How to Relieve People of Their Millions: Induction

32 Why Evil Is More Striking Than Good: Loss Aversion

33 Why Teams Are Lazy: Social Loafing

34 Stumped by a Sheet of Paper: Exponential Growth

35 Curb Your Enthusiasm: Winner’s Curse

36 Never Ask a Writer If the Novel Is Autobiographical: Fundamental Attribution Error

37 Why You Shouldn’t Believe in the Stork: False Causality

38 Why Attractive People Climb the Career Ladder More Quickly: Halo Effect

39 Congratulations! You’ve Won Russian Roulette: Alternative Paths

40 False Prophets: Forecast Illusion

41 The Deception of Specific Cases: Conjunction Fallacy

42 It’s Not What You Say, but How You Say It: Framing

43 Why Watching and Waiting Is Torture: Action Bias

44 Why You Are Either the Solution—or the Problem: Omission Bias

45 Don’t Blame Me: Self-Serving Bias

46 Be Careful What You Wish For: Hedonic Treadmill

47 Do Not Marvel at Your Existence: Self-Selection Bias

48 Why Experience Can Damage Your Judgment: Association Bias

49 Be Wary When Things Get Off to a Great Start: Beginner’s Luck

50 Sweet Little Lies: Cognitive Dissonance

51 Live Each Day as If It Were Your Last—But Only on Sundays: Hyperbolic Discounting

52 Any Lame Excuse: “Because” Justification

53 Decide Better—Decide Less: Decision Fatigue

54 Would You Wear Hitler’s Sweater?: Contagion Bias

55 Why There Is No Such Thing as an Average War: The Problem with Averages

56 How Bonuses Destroy Motivation: Motivation Crowding

57 If You Have Nothing to Say, Say Nothing: Twaddle Tendency

58 How to Increase the Average IQ of Two States: Will Rogers Phenomeno

59 If You Have an Enemy, Give Him Information: Information Bias

60 Hurts So Good: Effort Justification

61 Why Small Things Loom Large: The Law of Small Numbers

62 Handle with Care: Expectations

63 Speed Traps Ahead!: Simple Logic

64 How to Expose a Charlatan: Forer Effect

65 Volunteer Work Is for the Birds: Volunteer’s Folly

66 Why You Are a Slave to Your Emotions: Affect Heuristic

67 Be Your Own Heretic: Introspection Illusion

68 Why You Should Set Fire to Your Ships: Inability to Close Doors

69 Disregard the Brand New: Neomania

70 Why Propaganda Works: Sleeper Effect

71 Why It’s Never Just a Two-Horse Race: Alternative Blindness

72 Why We Take Aim at Young Guns: Social Comparison Bias

73 Why First Impressions Are Deceiving: Primacy and Recency Effects

74 Why You Can’t Beat Homemade: Not-Invented-Here Syndrome

75 How to Profit from the Implausible: The Black Swan

76 Knowledge Is Nontransferrable: Domain Dependence

77 The Myth of Like-Mindedness: False-Consensus Effect

78 You Were Right All Along: Falsification of History

79 Why You Identify with Your Football Team: In-Group Out-Group Bias

80 The Difference between Risk and Uncertainty: Ambiguity Aversion

81 Why You Go with the Status Quo: Default Effect

82 Why “Last Chances” Make Us Panic: Fear of Regret

83 How Eye-Catching Details Render Us Blind: Salience Effect

84 Why Money Is Not Naked: House-Money Effect

85 Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work: Procrastination

86 Build Your Own Castle: Envy

87 Why You Prefer Novels to Statistics: Personification

88 You Have No Idea What You Are Overlooking: Illusion of Attention

89 Hot Air: Strategic Misrepresentation

90 Where’s the Off Switch?: Overthinking

91 Why You Take On Too Much: Planning Fallacy

92 Those Wielding Hammers See Only Nails: Déformation Professionnelle

93 Mission Accomplished: Zeigarnik Effect

94 The Boat Matters More Than the Rowing: Illusion of Skill

95 Why Checklists Deceive You: Feature-Positive Effect

96 Drawing the Bull’s-Eye around the Arrow: Cherry Picking

97 The Stone Age Hunt for Scapegoats: Fallacy of the Single Cause

98 Why Speed Demons Appear to Be Safer Drivers: Intention-to-Treat Error

99 Why You Shouldn’t Read the News: News Illusion


and/or ...


1,8. Confirmation Bias by Rolf Dobelli

Published on Aug 26, 2016

This is an animation about confirmation bias. The examples used in this animation to detail confirmation bias are the fitness industry and students trying to find the underlying rule. This concept of confirmation bias is discussed in the book the Art Of Thinking Clearly by Rolf Dobelli.

duration 03:04 minutes

( please using the right click of your mouse, and Open Link in Next Private Window, )


2. Swimmers Body illusion by Rolf Dobelli

Published on Aug 20, 2016

This is an animation about the swimmers body illusion. This is discussed in the book the Art Of Thinking Clearly by Rolf Dobelli.

duration 02:31 minutes

( please using the right click of your mouse, and Open Link in Next Private Window, )


4. Social Proof by Rolf Dobelli

Published on Sep 8, 2016

This is an animation about Social Proof. This concept of is discussed in the book the Art Of Thinking Clearly by Rolf Dobelli.

duration 02:34 minutes

( please using the right click of your mouse, and Open Link in Next Private Window, )


The Art of Thinking Clearly [Part 1] by Rolf Dobelli

CuratedContent X

Published on Apr 20, 2017

duration 1:11:43 minutes

( please using the right click of your mouse, and Open Link in Next Private Window, )


The Art of Thinking Clearly [Part 2] by Rolf Dobelli

CuratedContent X

Published on Apr 20, 2017

duration 1:14:00 minutes

( please using the right click of your mouse, and Open Link in Next Private Window, )


The Art of Thinking Clearly [Part 3] by Rolf Dobelli

CuratedContent X

Published on Apr 20, 2017

duration 1:12:03 minutes

( please using the right click of your mouse, and Open Link in Next Private Window, )


The Art of Thinking Clearly [Part 4] by Rolf Dobelli

CuratedContent X

Published on Apr 20, 2017

duration 1:12:09 minutes

( please using the right click of your mouse, and Open Link in Next Private Window, )


The Art of Thinking Clearly [Part 5] by Rolf Dobelli

CuratedContent X

Published on Apr 20, 2017

duration 1:11:48 minutes

( please using the right click of your mouse, and Open Link in Next Private Window, )


The Art of Thinking Clearly [Part 6] by Rolf Dobelli

CuratedContent X

Published on Apr 20, 2017

duration 1:10:19 minutes

( please using the right click of your mouse, and Open Link in Next Private Window, )


The Art of Thinking Clearly [Part 7] by Rolf Dobelli

CuratedContent X

Published on Apr 20, 2017

duration 37:26 minutes

( please using the right click of your mouse, and Open Link in Next Private Window, )





01 book

Title :

The Divine Planning of Evolutionary Course of the Mankind on the Earth and in the Stellar Space

Author : Georgios VOULASIKIS

Language : Greek

Pages 205

Price : 10 Euro

Attention to the English Language Readers

2015-04-19 : This is my first attempt to translate the Table of Contents and the Preface of the Book from its Greek Language Edition to the English Language. Corrections will

follow soon. Please stay on Alert !.

2015-04-25 : A few corrections were made, after my first scanning of the English text - which had been generated by a computer translating software on 2015-04-19. Please stay on Alert !.

2015-04-26 : A few corrections ware made, after my second scanning of the English text.


Table of Contents

Preface 11

Unlimited Universes It contains Stellar Space and the Seven Ages of Mother of Earth and the Action the Good and the Evil 13

The Divine Planning of Human Course 31

The Plan of Numerical Course of Mankind on the Earth and in the Outer Space and the Seven Levels of Matter 47

My Scientific and Philosophical Opinion of Human Course of Then Time Landscape 1977. Then that I acquired also the Intellectual Property from the National Library of Greece, however I did not proceeded to the Publication of my Book Because of Lack Scientific and Other Data 83

The Explanation of Biblical Paradise and Adam and Eve. 95

The Likely Age of our own Universe with the Help of Spectral Analyses of Radiation of Celestrial Bodies 103

Difficult Stellar Space and the Help that Provides for us the Divine Planning to his Confrontation 115

The Likely reasons of Global Warming 137

The Explanation of ` of Six Days of Creation 145

Upward and Downward the Gravity in Various Geographic and Time Landscapes 157

The Explanation of Current Science for the Global Warming of the Planet earth 167

The First Steps of Checking Course of the Earth and Quantitatively Levels of Waters 173

American Volcanologists and Pyro sphere of the Earth 177

The Complicated Mechanism of Event of Gravity 183

The Creation of Matter of Universe 195

Genesis of Comets, the Stellar Course and the Conclusion in Solar Systems 199

My Demand for Discussion with Leading Scientists in order that They undertake the Governing of our Planet, Because the Big and Various Dangers that Appear in our Course 203

Bibliography 205



With the help Divine Enlightenment and the multifaceted human knowledge in the all sectors of human activity in the all time and geographic landscapes of the Earth and our Evolutionary course until today, I will try to give a overall picture of human course on the Earth as well as in the stellar space to which we will move, when the mother Earth because cooling of interior nuclear reactor is not able to provide the fuel matter for the operation of our planet, also she will not be able to provide the energy for the maintenance of living life.

In accordance to these data it should we know that in the finish of our Earthy course we will be materially intellectual distillations and will walk to stellar space, to a difficult course with the wish to know also the two aspects of science the visible matter and the invisible distillation of matter that accompanies and controls the matter.

The mark of also two aspects of matter, that is to say visible and immaterial world, is realised with the help of knowledge. With the absolute mark the visible and invisible world is realised the composition of science with the possibility of connecting the invisible world with the visible world and reversely, as well as the decomposition and the composition of matter.

The knowledge that us will help we know also the two aspects of science has three levels that lead:

1. In the scientific observation,

2. In the scientific composition,

3. In the scientific intelligence and knowledge of spirit of law.

When we reach in the finish of our extraterrestrial course in accordance of our divine planning, which led us to learn and to apply the extraterrestrial mechanic science, we will be intellectually invisible distillations, imperishable from the time and from the materials invisible obstacles and we will have the possibility of traveling in the all universe with the speed of thought and we will enjoy the joy and the happiness that us gave a very difficult and long course of continuous learning in the difficult tunnel the Earthy and extraterrestrial years.






Honourable your Mr Voulasikis, I Thank you very much for topical and interesting study.

With friendly greetings



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From part of writer Mr. Georgios Voulasikis, we seek editor in countries of abroad, in order to translate and publish the book “the DIVINE PLANNING of EVOLUTIONARY COURSE of PERSON IN the EARTH AND IN THE STELLAR SPACE” that wrote, in the following foreign languages,

1. English,

2. Spanish,

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04 book

Title A handbook to the palace of Minos at Knossos, with its dependencies;

Writer Pendlebury, John D.

published in 1933

Sir Arthur Evans's excavation at the Cretan site of Knossos from 1900 onwards uncovered a previously unknown civilization. His enthusiastic (though controversial) reconstructions of the site and its fresco decorations made it an attractive destination for travellers and tourists, and Evans thought a simple guidebook for visitors would be desirable alongside his own multi-volume work, The Palace of Minos (also reissued in this series). This was published in 1933 by John Pendlebury (1904–41), a brilliant young archaeologist later killed by German troops during the invasion of Crete in 1941. With a foreword by Evans, the handbook is in two parts: an architectural history of the Palace of Minos, and a guide to the site, with a note of the time needed to explore each building, maps showing the best trail to be followed, plans, and detailed descriptions. The book continues to be of value to both archaeologists and tourists.

The discovery and archaeological excavation of Knossos revealed no equal plot of Earth's surface to be as productive in such various directions of so many unique records bearing on our earliest culture. Found there was not only the first evidence of an advanced linear script, but architecture fully developed on novel lines and with no less original form of fresco decoration carried to great perfection. The visitor who wishes to explore the full circuit of Knossos needs the guidance of this volume, which contains illustrations and photographs of the area.

Pages 76pp plus 14 pages of plates, and a further six of maps (some folding). In a pocket at rear is a large folding plan of Knossos.

Price : 10 Euro

You can obtain a SET OF PHOTOCOPIES SIZE A4 ( 21 cm x 30 cm ) OF THE BOOK , FROM ME ! ...


and send email to my email address

Sales immediately in Athens, in Greece, next to the water fountain,

in the Syntagma Square. (station Syntagma of the Metro of Athens).




03 book

Title The Obsidian trail or 5000-4000 years ago in the Cyclades

Writer Dr P. Getz-Gentle (formerly Getz-Preziosi).

Published 1987 by Nicholas P. Goulandris Foundation, Museum of Cycladic and Ancient Greek Art in Athens, Greece.

Written in English.

About the Book

"...written for people who have visited or plan to visit the Cyclades, as well as for those who, having seen examples of prehistoric Cycladic art, would like to know more about them and the people who made them. It is intended to serve as an introduction to the life and to the first flowering of culture on those islands, in the millennium between 3200 and 2200 B.C."--

Price 10 euro

Pages 77








etc, etc, etc ...



Pages 70

Price : 10 Euro

You can obtain a SET OF PHOTOCOPIES SIZE A4 ( 21 cm x 30 cm ) OF THE BOOK , FROM ME ! ...

Orders at preference via Mobile Telephone - You send Written Message SMS to my Mobile Telephone 00306942686838

and send email to my email address

Sales immediately in Athens, in Greece, next to the water fountain,

in the Syntagma Square. (station Syntagma of the Metro of Athens).




06 book

Title Discources on Art

Writer Sir Joshua Reynolds.


PLATE 01 I L - Polyphemus Attacking Acis and Galatea, 1597-1604 (detail) by Annibale Carracci.

PLATE 01 I R - Annibale Carracci. Preparory drawing for figure of Polyphemus. A study for two Apostles

PLATE 02 II Lodovico Carracci The Birth of St. John the Baptist

PLATE 03 III Apollo Belvedere Alinari Vatican



The 'Discourses on Art' of Sir Joshua Reynolds form one of the most eloquent literary documents in the history of European art. Composed as lectures to the students at the Royal Academy in the late eighteenth century, they both summarize the art theory of the previous three hundred years and point towards attitudes prevalent in the nineteenth century. Reynolds' general topic is the education of the artist. He is concerned with the essentials of the problem: the purpose of art, the nature of the creative process, and the artist's relation to tradition. He treats these questions with a breadth and clarity that won the immediate admiration of his contemporaries and have continued to hold the attention of readers ever since. No other body of art criticism by an Englishman has enjoyed such sustained respect. This standard edition of the 'Discourses' is reissued in a new format and with illustrations. It has long been recognised as a fundamental text for the study of eighteenth-century English painting, and this edition is generally considered to be the definitive one.

Reviews :

1. Reynolds' view of aesthetics is fairly conventional for the mid to late eighteenth century (lots of Pope quoting going on), but I still found the collection of lectures to be an almost weirdly enjoyable read. Blake's annotations, though, are definitely a hoot. Dude did not like the SJR.

2. These discourses, though written in the 1770s, speak to many issues that modern artists face today. Covering advice about how to develop one's artistic talents to the role that art plays in society, Mr. Reynolds' voice remains relevant.

3. There's some useful advice here, and some interesting points on various painters, although the appeal to social agreement ("the uniformity of sentiments among mankind") as the grounds of aesthetic good is a problem.

Pages 388

Price : 20 Euro

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Orders at preference via Mobile Telephone - You send Written Message SMS to my Mobile Telephone 00306942686838

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Sales immediately in Athens, in Greece, next to the water fountain,

in the Syntagma Square. (station Syntagma of the Metro of Athens).




05 book

Title Successful time management

Author : Patrick Forsyth.

No.of pages 160

In business, the increasing pressure to achieve makes time management a vital skill. It is necessary to be able to work efficiently and effectively to ensure that one's desired results are achieved - both in one's job, and in one's career. "Successful Time Management" sets out practical guidelines to help readers do just that. Packed with proven tips and techniques, it helps anyone to review and assess their own time management and adopt new work practices to improve it. It includes great advice on: controlling paperwork; getting and staying organized; delegating and working with others; prioritizing to focus on key issues and prompt the best results. The appendices include a brief assessment of various time management systems such as day, year or meeting planners, action sheets and more. Whether under pressure or not, this essential guide will help your readers to reduce time wasting and interruptions, and focus on the priority tasks that lead to success - it could just change their life!

"Practical guidelines to maximize productivity and minimize stress Time-saving solutions

Table of contents

1. time: a key resource - opportunities and difficulties making it work; a personal approach; the productivity gain; speculate to accumulate; perfect time

2. first steps towards effective time management your work mix; assessing your current working practice; plan the work and work the plan; what kind of system?; setting clear objectives; thinking ahead; spend time to save time; taking time to think; be prepared to say 'no'; to be, or not to be (perfect); work smarter not longer; reward yourself

3. getting (and staying) organised work the plan; batch your tasks; use your diary effectively; schedule appointments with care; clear your desk; avoid 'cherry picking'; use abstracts; the internet; highlight key facts; insist on quality; action or investment; a good personal assistant (or secretary); use a 'document parking' system; make use of checklists; directing the techniques at particular result areas; intermission... take a break

4. combating the time wasters the greatest time waster?; handling personal interruptions; handling telephone interruptions; save time getting through; make messages accurate; e-mail; on the move

5. first things first pareto's law; make the miscellaneous a priority; schedule - backwards; be honest about deadlines; review task methodology; eliminate the unnecessary; danger - keep your distance; be confident of your priorities

6. controlling the paperwork aim to minimise paperwork; make a habit of brevity; minimal memos; minimise your paper handling; do not let files and filing waste time; keep papers neat; computerise it - but carefully; do not duplicate information unnecessarily; do not proliferate information unnecessarily; do not put it in writing; write faster; wpb - the most time-saving object in your office

7. working with other people the socialising organisation; informal contact; making a working lunch work; consider a day out; no conflict - no wasted time; the right people; the need for clear instructions; don't do it - delegate; swap tasks to save time; develop your people; simply the most time-saving phrase in the language; do not hover; motivate your people; provide specific time management help for staff; make and keep some firm rules; meetings - danger or opportunity

Pages 70

Price : 10 Euro

You can obtain a copy of the book in photocopies, from me ! ...

Orders at preference via Mobile Telephone - You send Written Message SMS to my Mobile Telephone 00306942686838

and send email to my email address

Sales immediately in Athens, in Greece, next to the water fountain,

in the Syntagma Square. (station Syntagma of the Metro of Athens).




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