Research, Publications,

and Patents


"Security and Privacy for Emerging Smart Community Infrastructures"

Bogdan Copos and Karl Levitt and Jeff Rowe and Parisa Kianmajd and Chen-Nee Chuah and George Kesidis. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data (IoTBD 2016). Scitepress, Setubal, Portugal, pages 148-155. DOI

"Is Anybody Home? Inferring Activity from Smart Home Network Traffic"

Bogdan Copos and Matt Bishop and Karl Levitt, Jeff Rowe. In 2016 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW). IEEE, San Jose, CA, USA, pages 245-251. DOI

"InputFinder: Reverse Engineering Closed Binaries using Hardware Performance Counters"

Bogdan Copos and Praveen Murthy. 2015. In Proceedings of the 5th Program Protection and Reverse Engineering Workshop (PPREW-5). ACM, New York, NY, USA, , Article 2 , 12 pages. DOI


"Analysis of Android Repositories in the GitHub Ecosystem"

Studied GitHub Android repositories, focusing on code similarity, file churn, and license violations.

"Minimizing Mobile Data Usage by Learning User Activity Patterns"

Built a framework for Android which tracks user activity patterns inside a WebView and uses this pattern to minimize data downloaded by an application. Tested it on a "Friend finder" application (i.e. application which allows you to locate friends on a map).


"Autonomous reasoning system for vulnerability analysis" (*)

US Patent App. 14/795,812

"Determination of valid input sequences for an unknown binary program" (*)

US Patent App. 14/792,507

"Determining a valid input for an unknown binary module" (*)

US Patent App. 14/620,106

(*) Patents in collaboration with others