
I am currently a Software Engineer at Google.

I have recently (June 2017) received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of California, Davis where I had the pleasure of working with Dr. Sean Peisert. Throughout my program, I have also had the pleasure and honor of working with other Professors from the UC Davis Security Lab.

I am passionate about and interested in systems security as well as privacy concerns, particularly with new technologies. My thesis work explores the use of side channel information to perform non-intrusive monitoring of various systems in different settings. Throughout my years in graduate school, I have also done some work in various smartphone ecosystems (primarily Android) and have done some research in the realm of Internet of Things and Smart Connected Communities.

News and recent announcements

  • Joined Google [Jan. 2019)
  • Became Publications co-chair for 2019 IEEE SP [Aug 2018]
  • IEEE Building Code for IoT report will be released soon!
  • "Jumping the Air Gap: Modeling Cyber-Physical Attack Paths in the Internet-of-Things" paper accepted at CCS Workshop on Cyber Physical Systems Security and Privacy [Sept. 2017]
  • Became Workshop Publications Chair for 2018 IEEE SP [Aug. 2017]
  • Joined SRI International as a full-time Computer Scientist [July 2017]
  • Participated in IEEE Cybersecurity Initiative workshop on Building Code for IoT [June 2017]