


Welcome to the BMW Club Northern Section


   Formed in 1962, we are one of the largest of 15 regional sections of The BMW Club of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. One of the most important objectives of the section, and the club as a whole, is to 'foster friendship through the ownership of BMW motorcycles'. With this in mind, members organise many events, both at weekends and midweek, giving each member the chance to participate and become involved in the section.

   The area covered by the Northern section is bounded by the counties of Cumbria, Lancashire, Greater Manchester, Merseyside, Cheshire, the Isle of Man and includes parts of North Wales, North Staffordshire and North West Derbyshire. Covering such a large area, having just one regular meeting place is impractical. Accordingly, there are two main venues (Knowle Green and Rixton, depending on the time of year) and two midweek locations where our members, old and new, are able to meet up and discuss all things BMW (but not exclusively!), often with refreshments available. The panel on the right shows where and when each meeting is held, and directions  to the venues are given via the link on the left.

   In addition to our regular meetings, we organise a wide range of activities open to all the membership of the section, and members of the club as a whole. These several camping and hotel weekends, and both weekend and midweek runs. Something for everyone, we hope. The 'Diary of Events' has all the details and our activities can also be viewed on the 'Reports' page (click on the appropriate link on the left).

   Our committee members are listed in the panel on the right. For general enquiries your first contact should be our secretary. Other enquiries of a more specific nature should be directed to the appropriate section officer. 

   For anyone wishing to join the BMW Club, and the Northern Section, full details are available by clicking on the 'Join the Club' below.





Our regular meeting places


Let's Eat Cafe, Tarporley Rd, Warrington, WA4 4EZ

1st Sunday of the month at 12:30


Knowle Green Village Hall, Nr Longridge

2nd Sunday of the month at 12.30

(April to October)


Rixton Community Hall, Hollins Green

 2nd Sunday of the month at 12.30

(November to March)


The Raven, Ballaugh, Isle of Man

 3rd Tuesday of the month at 19.30


Lunch at Elaine's Tearooms in Feizor near Settle

2nd Wednesday of the month at 12:00 (March to September)

Tony Cross 07788 820476. 

Please see the Diary of Events for other meetings and last-minute changes