Transect sample

Transect Ruske-1

First monitoring year 2016

An image map using satellite map and Strava map program created.

Ruske-1 S1-2 2016_05_10-1 500 pix
Ruske-1 S9-10 2016_05_10-1
Ruske-1 S20-19 2016_05_10-1 500 pix

Photo of the transect Ruske-1

View from section No1 to section No2

Photo date 2016_05_10

Dimension 500 pix

Photo of the transect Ruske-1

View from section No9 to section No10

Photo date 2016_05_10

Dimension 500 pix

Photo of the transect Ruske-1

View from section No20 to section No19

Photo date 2016_05_10

Dimension 500 pix