
Journal Paper








Yu-Han Hsieh, Ming-Yuan Lee, Ching-Chou Wu*(2018) “An electrooxidative technique to fast fabricate copper phosphate electrodes capable of integrating high performance liquid chromatography for the label-free detection of fish freshness”, Food chemistry 269, 16-23, Accepted

Sheng-Yao Chang, Ming-Yuan Lee, Ching-Chou Wu*(2018) “A Microchip Electrophoresis Device Integrated with the Top–bottom Antiparallel Electrodes of Indium Tin Oxide to Detect Inorganic Ions by Contact Conductivity”, Analytical Sciences 34 (11), 1231-1236, Accepted

Ming-Yuan Lee, Ching-Chou Wu*, Megawati Intan Sari, Yu-Han Hsieh (2018) “A disposable non-enzymatic histamine sensor based on the nafion-coated copper phosphate electrodes for estimation of fish freshness”, Electrochimica Acta, Accepted

Ming-Jie Lin, Yen-Fu Liu, Ching-Chou Wu*(2018) “An impedimetric bioaffinity sensing chip integrated with the long-range DC-biased AC electrokinetic centripetal vortex produced in a high conductivity solution”, Biomicrofluidics 12 (4), 044102, Accepted


Chia-Hung Lin, Ming-Jie Lin, Ching-Chou Wu* (2017) “Effect of chain length of modified layer and surface roughness of electrode on the impedimetric immunosensors”, Analytical Sciences 33, 1-8 (SCI 1.174, Categories: CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL; Rank: 56/75) 


Ming-Yuan Lee and Ching-Chou Wu*, (2016) “Development of a Capillary Electrophoresis Chip with Integrated Electrochemical Sensors”, International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology 6(4), 203-210. 

Ming-Yuan Lee, Jeng-Kuei Chang, Ching-Chou Wu* and Jinchyau Peng (2016) “Ionic liquid-modified copper phosphate electrodes for the detection of α-amino acids in a weakly alkaline solution”, Journal of The Electrochemical Society 163(14), B768-B774. (SCI 3.014, Categories: MATERIALS SCIENCE, COATINGS & FILMS; Rank: 2/18 )

Chia-Hung Lin, Ching-Chou Wu*, Yu-Fen Kuo, (2016) “A high sensitive impedimetric salbutamol immunosensor based on the gold nanostructure-deposited screen-printed carbon electrode”, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 768, 27–33. Cited NO. 1 (SCI 2.822, Categories: CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL; Rank: 19/75, 25.3% ) 


Ming-Yuan Lee , Shinn-Jyh Ding, Ching-Chou Wu*, Jinchyau Peng*, Chiuan-Ting Jiang, Chi-Chung Chou, (2015) “Fabrication of nanostructured copper phosphate electrodes for the detection of α-amino acids, ” Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 206, 584-591. (SCI 3.840, Categories: INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION; Rank: 2/57, 3.5% )

Ching-Chou Wu*, Wen-Ching Huang, Chung-Chi Hu, (2015) “An ultrasensitive label-free electrochemical impedimetric DNA biosensing chip integrated with a DC-biased AC electroosmotic vortex”, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 209, 61-68. (SCI 3.840, Categories: INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION; Rank: 2/57, 3.5% )

Ching-Chou Wu, Chung-Kai Wei, Chia-Che Ho, Shinn-Jyh Ding*, (2015) “Enhanced Hydrophilicity and Biocompatibility of Dental Zirconia Ceramics by Oxygen Plasma Treatment”, Materials. 8, 684-699. (SCI 1.879, Categories: MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY; Rank: 81/251, 32.3% )


林明杰, 李名袁, 吳靖宙*, (2014) “奈米碳材應用在葡萄糖生物感測器之發展與研究”, 台灣化學工程學會會刊, 61 (5), 20-32.


林孝安, 王玠荏, 林明杰, 吳靖宙*(2013)” 可量測微升液體pH 值與溶氧濃度的電化學式微流體感測晶片”, 農林學報, 62 (4), 331–341.

李名袁, 吳靖宙, 2013/07, “整合電化學感測器之毛細管電泳晶片的發展”, 化工技術, 21卷7期98-110

Ming-Yuan Lee, Jin-Chyau Peng, Ching-Chou Wu* (2013) “Geometric effect of copper nanoparticles electrodeposited on screen-printed carbon electrodes on the detection of α-, β- and γ-amino acids”, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 186, 270–277 (SCI 3.535, Categories: INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION; Rank: 3/57)

Ching-Chou Wu*, Dong-Jie Yang, (May, 2013) “A label-free impedimetric DNA sensing chip integrated with AC electroosmotic stirring”, Biosensors& Bioelectronics, 43, ?348–354 ?(SCI 5.437, Categories: ELECTROCHEMISTRY, rank: 1/26)


Li-Chia Chen, Ching-Chou Wu*, Ren-Guei Wu, Hsien-Chang Chang, Electroosmotic Flow Control in Microfluidic Chips Using a Self- Assembled Monolayer as the Insulator of a Flow Field-Effect Transistor, Langmuir, la-2012-02186d.R1 (SCI, 4.186, Categories:  MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, rank: 30/231) 

C.-C. Wu*, L.-Z Hong, C.-T. Ou, (2012) “Blood Cell-free Plasma Separated from Blood Samples with A Cascading Weir-type Microfilter Using Dead-end Filtration”, Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 32(3), 163–168. (SCI, 0.731, Categories: ENGINEERING, BIOMEDICAL, rank: 61/72)

林家鴻, 吳靖宙*, 2012/03, “更靈敏且快速的藥物殘留檢測技術之發展-以瘦肉精為例”, 苗栗區農業專訊, 57, 19-21. 


Chia-Liang Sun*, Hsin-Hsien Lee, Jen-Ming Yang, Ching-Chou Wu, (January, 2011)“The simultaneous electrochemical detection of ascorbic acid, dopamine, and uric acid using graphene/size-selected Pt nanocomposites”, Biosensors Bioelectronics 26, 3450–3455. (SCI, 5.429,  Categories: ELECTROCHEMISTRY, rank: 1/24)

C.-C. Wu, C.-Y. Yuan, S. J. Ding*, (January, 2011) “Effect of polydimethylsiloxane surfaces silanized with different nitrogen-containing groups on the adhesion progress of epithelial cells”, Surface and Coatings Technology, 205(10):3182-3189. (SCI 1.793, Categories: MATERIALS SCIENCE, COATINGS & FILMS, rank: 3/16).

Ching-Chou Wu,* Wei-Cheng Lin, Shih-Yu Fu, (May, 2011) “The open container-used microfluidic chip using IrOx ultramicroelectrodes for the in situ measurement of extracellular acidification”, Biosensors & Bioelectronics 26, 4191–4197. Cited NO. 1 (SCI 6.451, Categories: ELECTROCHEMISTRY, rank: 1/27, 3.7%) (NSC98-2313-B-005-031-MY3)

林家鴻, 吳靖宙*,(August, 2011) “電化學免疫感測器之技術發展與應用”, 台灣化學工程學會會刊, 58, 33–44.

林孝安, 吳靖宙*, (December, 2011) 以網版印刷碳電極製作類克拉克式溶氧感測器的研發, 農林學報, 60(3): 217–229.


H.-A Weng, C.-C. Wu, C. C. Chen, C. C. Ho, S. J. Ding*. (February, 2010)Preparation and properties of gold nanoparticle-electrodeposited titanium implant metals with Arg-Gly-Asp-Cys peptides. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 21 1511–1519. (SCI 1.508, Categories: ENGINEERING, BIOMEDICAL, rank: 34/52)

C.-C. Wu*, H.-N. Luk, Y.-T. Tsai-Lin, C.-Y. Yung, (February, 2010)“A Clark-type oxygen chip for in situ estimation of the respiratory activity of adhering cells”, Talanta 81 228-234. (SCI 3.25, Categories: CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL, rank: 10/70) (NSC94-2218-E- 005-018 and NSC98-2213-B-005-031-MY3)

袁佳吟, 傅世宇, 吳靖宙*, 2010/02, “電化學式細胞活性檢測晶片的發展”, 科儀新知, 31, 38-46.(獲選為當期期刊封面報導)


張升耀, 蔣惠敏, 吳靖宙*, (March, 2009) “經不同表面修飾後聚二甲基矽氧烷微管道其親水性與電滲透流特性之探討”, 興大工程學 刊, 20(1), 1-10. (NSC96-2313-B-005-044-MY3)

C.-C. Wu*, C.-H. Lin, W.-S. Wang, (March, 2009)“Development of enrofloxacin immunosensor based on label-free electrochemical impedance spectroscopy”, Talanta, 79, 62-67. (SCI 3.206) (NSC96-2313-B-005-044-MY3)

袁佳吟, 趙彬, 陸翔寧, 吳靖宙*, (October, 2009) “可量測細胞耗氧量之克拉克式氧氣感測晶片的研發”, 生物機電工程學報, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1–16. (NSC98-2313-B-005-031-MY3)

 郭聿芬, 袁佳吟, 吳靖宙*, 2009/12, “生物晶片新商機-非侵入式細胞活性感測晶片之市場”, 經濟部工業局創新深耕-生技研發成果產業化季刊, 冬季號, 28-35. 


Chien-Wen Wang, Wei-Ren Chen, Ching-Chou Wu, Hsien-Chang Chang, (January, 2007) Study on the Cell Mechanics of MDCK Cells by Elastic Micro-pillars Arrays, Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (EI)

Yao-Hsien Wang, Wen-Tai Chiu, Yang-Kao Wang, Ching-Chou Wu, Tsu-Ling Chen, Chiao-Feng Teng ,Wen-Tsan Chang , Hsien-Chang Chang, Ming-Jer Tang, (January, 2007) “Deregulation of AP-1 protein family in collagen gel-induced epithelial cell apoptosis mediated by low substratum rigidity”, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282 (1), 752-763. NO. 9 (SCI 4.600, Categories: BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, rank: 65/291, 22.3%)

Shinn-Jyh Ding, Bin-Wha Chang, Ching-Chou Wu, Chun-Ji Chen, Hsien-Chang Chang*, (May, 2007) “A new method for detection of endotoxin on polymyxin B- immobilized gold electrodes”, Electrochemistry Communications, 9 (5), 1206-1211. NO. 13 (SCI 4.287, Categories: ELECTROCHEMISTRY, 3/27, 11.1%)

C.-C. Wu*, T. Saito, T. Yasukawa, H. Shiku, H. Abe, H. Hoshi and T. Matsue, (August, 2007) “Micro-fluidic chip integrated with amperometric detector array for in situ estimating oxygen consumption characteristics of single bovine embryos”, Sensors and Actuators B:Chemical, 125 (2), 680-687. NO. 18 (SCI 3.840, Categories: INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION; Rank: 2/57, 3.5% ) (NSC95-2221-E-005-004)


Hitoshi Shiku, Takeshi Saito, Ching-Chou Wu, Tomoyuki Yasukawa, Masaki Yokoo, Hiroyuki Abe, Tomokazu Matsue, Hiroshi Yamada (January, 2006) “Oxygen Permeability of Surface-Modified Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Characterized by Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy ”, Chemistry Letters, 35 (2), 234-235. NO. 48 (SCI 1.587, Categories: CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, rank: 64/152)

T. Saito, C. C. Wu, H. Shiku, T. Yasukawa, M. Yokoo, T. Sasaki, H. Abe, H. Hoshi, T. Matsue, (2006) “Oxygen consumption of cell suspension in a poly(dimethylsiloxiane) (PDMS) microchannel estimated by scanning electrochemical microscopy”, Analyst, 131, 1006-1011 (SCI 2.858) 


S. J. Ding, B. W. Chang, C. C. Wu, M. F. Lai, H. C. Chang (2005), “Impedance spectral studies of self-assembly of alkanethiols with different chain lengths using different immobilization strategies on Au electrodes”, Anal Chim Acta, 554, 43-51. (SCI 2.59)

C. C. Wu, S. J. Ding, Y. H. Wang, M. J. Tang, H. C. Chang (2005), “Mechanical properties of collagen gels derived from rats of different ages”, J. Biomater. Sci. Polymer Edn. , 16, 1261-1275. (SCI 1.26)

C. C. Wu, T. Yasukawa, H. Shiku, T. Matsue (2005), “Fabrication of miniature Clark-oxygen sensor integrated with microstructure”, Sensors and Actuators B, 110, 342-349. ?(SCI 2.08) 

S. J. Ding, B. W. Chang, C. C. Wu, M. F. Lai, H. C. Chang (2005), “Electrochemical evaluation of avidin-biotin interaction on self-assembled gold electrodes”, Electrochimica Acta, 50, 3660–3666. (SCI 2.34) 

H. C. Chang, C. C. Wu, S. J. Ding, I. S. Lin, I. W. Sun (2005), “Measurement of diffusion and partition coefficients of ferrocyanide in protein- immobilized membranes, Anal. Chim. Acta. 532, 209–214. (SCI 2.59) 


C. C. Wu, H. C Chang (2004), “Estimating the thickness of hydrated ultrathin poly(o-phenylenediamine) film by atomic force microscopy”, Anal. Chim. Acta, 505, 239-246. (SCI 2.59) 


C. C. Wu, R. G. Wu, J. G. Huang, Yu. C. Lin, H. C. Chang (2003), “Three-electrode electrochemical detector and platinum film decoupler integrated with capillary electrophoresis microchip for amperometric detection”, Anal. Chem., 75, 947-952. (SCI 5.45) 


J. H. Hsieh, R. F. Chen, C. C. Wu, C. T. Yen, and C. Y. Chai (1998), “Vagal innervation of the gastrointestinal tract arises from dorsal motor nucleus while that of the heart largely from nucleus ambiguous in the cat”, J. Auton. Nerv. Syst., 70(1-2), 38-50. (SCI 1.31)

J. H. Hsieh, C. C. Wu, C. T. Yen and C. Y. Chai (1998), “The depressor caudal ventrolateral medulla; its correlation with the pressor dorsomedial and ventrolateral medulla and the depressor paramedian reticular nucleus,” J. Auton. Nerv. Syst., 70(1-2), 103-114. (SCI 1.31)

Conference Paper


黃俊達, 吳靖宙*, (May 17, 2014) 銥離子的價數對pH感測器特性之探討, 2014 年第十九屆化學感測器科技研討會, 屏東科技大學, 屏東市

黃文清, 顏浩宇, 吳靖宙* (May 17, 2014) 整合交流電流體動力之免標定式電化學DNA生物感測晶片, 2014 年第十九屆化學感測器科技研討會, 屏東科技大學, 屏東市.

李名袁, 謝玉函, 吳靖宙* (May 17, 2014) 奈米結構磷酸銅電極之製造與在α-胺基酸的量測應用, 2014 年第十九屆化學感測器科技研討會, 屏東科技大學, 屏東市.

Ching-Chou Wu, Wen-Ching Huang, (8/31-9/5, 2014) An Ultrasensitive Label-Free Electrochemical Impedimetric DNA Biosensing Chip Integrated with A DC-Biased AC Electroosmotic Vortex, 65th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Lausanne, Switerland.

Li-Chih Tsai, Ching-Chou Wu, (September 10-12, 2014) Electrochemical Properties of Electrodes Modified by Multi-wall Carbon Nanotube with The Dielectrophoretic Control, The 2014 International Symposium on Chemical-Environmental- Biomedical Technology (isCEBT2014), Tao-Yuan,Taiwan.

Ming-Jay Lin, Jiun-Da Huang, Ching-Chou Wu* (September 10-12, 2014) Effect of iridium valence on the sensing properties of iridium oxide-based pH sensors, 2014 International Symposium on Chemical-Environmental- Biomedical Technology (isCEBT2014), Tao-Yuan,Taiwan.

Ming-Yuan Lee, Yu-Han Hsieh and Ching-Chou Wu* (September 10-12, 2014) Fabrication of nanostructured copper phosphate electrodes for the detection of α-amino acids 2014 International Symposium on Chemical-Environmental- Biomedical Technology (isCEBT2014), Tao-Yuan,Taiwan.


林明杰、吳靖宙*, (06/01, 2013) “表面處理程序對網版印刷碳電極之電化學特性的影響”, 第18屆化學感測器研討會, page 187-190,台北科技大學, 台北市。

李名袁、潘羿彤、吳靖宙*, (06/01, 2013) “整合end-channel之off-chip式電化學平板微電極之毛細管電泳晶片的研發”, 第18屆化學感測器研討會, page 33-36,台北科技大學, 台北市。

Ching-Chou Wu, Dong-Jie Yang (Oral)(June 16-21, 2013) “A Label-Free Impedimetric DNA Sensing Chip Integrated with AC Electroosmotic Stirring”, 9th International Symposium on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS2013), Okinawa, Japan.

Ching-Chou Wu*(invited speaker), (September 8-12, 2013) “Fast and Sensitive Impedimetric DNA Sensing Chips Integrated with An AC Electroosmotic Vortex”, The 2013 International Symposium on Chemical-Environmental- Biomedical Technology (isCEBT2013), Iwanuma, Japan.

Hao-Yu Yen, Ching-Chou Wu* (September 8-12, 2013) “Effect of Electrolyte Cations on the Sensing Characteristic of Label Free impedimetric DNA Biosensors”, The 2013 International Symposium on Chemical-Environmental- Biomedical Technology (isCEBT2013), Iwanuma, Japan.

Ming-Jay Lin, Ching-Chou Wu* (September 8-12, 2013) “Effect of Surface Treatment on The Electrochemical Properties of Screen Printed Carbon Electrodes”, The 2013 International Symposium on Chemical-Environmental- Biomedical Technology (isCEBT2013), Iwanuma, Japan.

林家鴻, 吳靖宙, (October 18-19, 2013)金奈米結構薄膜電極於高靈敏免標定電化學免疫感測器開發應用於沙丁胺醇檢測, 2013生機與農機論文發表會, 台灣大學, 台北市.

黃文清, 顏浩宇, 吳靖宙*, (November 15-16, 2013) 整合交流電流體動力擾動之電化學式DNA生物感測晶片, 2013生物醫學工程科技研討會, 清華大學, 新竹市


黃文清, 楊東潔, 林家鴻, 吳靖宙*, (05/19, 2012) “整合交流電滲透混合之免標定式阻抗核酸感測器”, 第17屆化學感測器研討會, 明道大學, 彰化縣。

李宜軒, 林孝安, 吳靖宙*, (05/19, 2012) “以網版印刷碳電極製作類克拉克式溶氧感測器的研發”, 第17屆化學感測器研討會, 明道大學, 彰化縣。

Ching-Chou Wu*(invited speaker), Yu-Fen Kuo, Shin-Yu Fu, (August 19-24, 2012) “Cell-Based Chips for Measurement of Cellular Respiratory Activity, Acidification Rate and Oxidative Stress”, 63th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Prague, Czech.

Ching-Chou Wu*(invited speaker), Yu-Fen Kuo, Shin-Yu Fu, (September 2-5, 2012) “Cell-Based Chips for Measurement of Cellular Respiratory Activity, Acidification Rate and Oxidative Stress”, The 2012 International Symposium on Chemical-Environmental- Biomedical Technology (isCEBT2012), Tainan, Taiwan.

潘羿彤, 顏浩宇, 吳靖宙*, (October 18-19, 2012) “整合end-channel之off-chip式電化學平板微電極之毛細管電泳晶片的研發”, 2012生機與農機論文發表會, 台南農業改良場,台南市。

Jiun-Da Huang, Ching-Chou Wu1*, Shinn-Jyh Ding, (November 18-21, 2012)”Effect of polydimethylsiloxane surfaces silanized with different nitrogen-containing groups on the adhesion progress of epithelial cells”, 2012Asia Bioceramics Symposium, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.

林孝安, 李宜軒, 吳靖宙*, (November 17-18, 2012) “可同時量測細胞呼吸活性與酸化率之細胞晶片的研發”,? 2012生物醫學工程科技研討會, 中原大學, 中壢市。

顏浩宇, 江權庭, 吳靖宙*, (November 17-18, 2012) “以奈米銅電極開發之磷酸離子感測器”,? 2012生物醫學工程科技研討會, 中原大學, 中壢市。


Yu-Fen Kuo, Shin-Yu Fu and Ching-Chou Wu*, (August 18-21, 2011) “Effect of Immobilization Strategies on Direct Electron-Transfer Properties of Superoxide Dismutase at Gold Nanostructure Electrodes”, 5th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.

王怡婷, 江權庭, 吳靖宙*, (August 19-20, 2011) “以電化學阻抗法檢測沙門氏菌之免標定核酸感測器的研發”, 2011生物醫學工程研討會, 國立成功大學, 台南市

楊東潔,黃文清, 吳靖宙*, (September,2011),“整合交流電滲透技術之電化學式核酸感測器的研發”, 第15屆奈米工程暨微系統技術研討會, 國立台北科技大學, 台北市。

Ching-Chou Wu*, (September, 2011) “A Microfluidic Chip Integrated with The Array of Dissolved-Oxygen Ultramicroelectrodes for Evaluating Respiration Rate of Patterned Cells, 62th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Niigata, Japan.

Ching-Chou Wu*, (October, 2011), “Effect of Immobilization Strategies on Direct Electron-Transfer Properties of Superoxide Dismutase at Gold Nanostructure Electrodes”, 2nd International Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology, Amsterdam, Netherland.

黃文清, 楊東潔, 吳靖宙, (October, 2011)“應用交流電滲透流混合技術於核酸感測器之研發,”2011生物與農機論文發表會, 國立嘉義大學, 嘉義縣。

吳靖宙, (October, 2011), “更靈敏更快速的阻抗式核酸感測晶片之研發, 2011微小化機電工程應用於生物技術研討會, 嘉義大學, 嘉義市。 邀請演講

Wen-Ching Huang, Yi-Ting Wang, Ching-Chou Wu*(Oral), (November, 2011) “Label-free nucleic acid sensors for detection of salmonella based on electrochemical impedance spectroscopy”, The 9th Asian Conference on Chemical Sensors (ACCS), Taipei, Taiwan.


Yu-Fen Kuo, Ching-Chou Wu*, (March, 2010) “Development of Miniaturized Carbon Dioxide Sensor and Its Potential Application in Ethylene Detection”, 1st Symposium on the Applications and Implication of Nanotechnology in Agriculture Systems, National Chung-Hsing University, Taichung.

袁佳吟, 吳靖宙*, (May, 2010) “結合圖樣化細胞培養之溶氧電極陣列晶片於細胞呼吸活性的評估”, 第16屆化學感測器研討會, 成功大學, 台南市

吳靖宙*, (May, 2010) “Development of Cell-Based Chips Based on the Noninvasive Measurement of Cellular Respiratory Activity, Acidification Rate and Oxidative Stress”, 第16屆化學感測器研討會Keynote speaker, 成功大學, 台南市

Ching-Chou Wu, (September, 2010) “Chip-type superoxide dismutase sensor via direct electron transfer to estimate oxidative stress of cells”, 5th International Symposium on Chemical-Environmental-Biomedical Technology for Young Researchers, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan (Oral)

Yu-Fen Kuo, Ching-Chou Wu, (September, 2010) “Development of a miniature iridium oxide-based carbon dioxide sensor”, 5th International Symposium on Chemical-Environmental-Biomedical Technology for Young Researchers, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan (Poster)

Chia-Hung Lin, Ching-Chou Wu, (September, 2010) “Development of a label-free impedimetric progesterone immunosensor”, 5th International Symposium on Chemical-Environmental-Biomedical Technology for Young Researchers, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan (Oral)

傅世宇, 林孝安, 吳靖宙*, (December, 2010), “可評估細胞氧化壓力之細胞晶片的開發”, 2010年農機與生機論文發表會, 屏東科技大學, 屏東市


闕宜萱, 蔣惠敏, 吳靖宙*, (July, 2009) “分離管道尺寸與去耦合電極電沉積條件對毛細管電泳晶片之檢測特性探討”, 2009生物機電與農機科技論文發表會, 宜蘭大學, 宜蘭市. (Oral)

郭聿芬,吳靖宙*, (July, 2009) “Clark式氧氣感測晶片之微製程技術探討”, 2009生物機電與農機科技論文發表會, 宜蘭大學, 宜蘭市

Sheng-Yao Chang, Ching-Chou Wu* (August, 2009), “A Capillary Electrophoresis Microchip Integrated with Top-Bottom Opposed Conductimetric Electrodes for The Detection of Alkali Ions”, 60th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Beijing, China.

Shih-Yu Fu, Ching-Chou Wu*(August, 2009), “A cell-based microsystem with integrated iridium oxide electrodes and a microfluid-controlled chamber for extracellular pH measurement”, 60th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Beijing, China.

王怡婷, 吳靖宙*, (December, 2009) “以電化學法檢測沙門氏菌核酸感測晶片的研發”, 2009生物醫學工程及科技研討會, 陽明大學, 台北市


C. C. Wu*, (March, 2008) “Application of Chip-Type Electrochemical Sensors in Biosafety Issues”, CSJ (Chemical Society of Japan) 88th annual meeting, Ikekuburo, Tokyo (Keynote Lecture).

H. M. Chiang, C. C. Wu*, (May, 2008) “Capillary Electrophoresis Chip Integrated with Amperometric Detector for Detection of Salbutamol”, 6th Asian Conference on Electrochemistry, Taipei, Taiwan. (Oral)

W. C. Lin, C. Y. Yuan, C. C. Wu*, (May, 2008) “Development of Microfluidic Chip Integrated with pH Sensor for Estimating the Metabolic Activity of Cells”, 6th Asian Conference on Electrochemistry, Taipei, Taiwan. (Oral)

C.Y. Yuan, C. C. Wu*, (Oct, 2008) “To Patternize Cells on the Different Substrates by Micromolding Technology”, 7th International Symposium on Nano-Biomedical Engineering, Tainan, Taiwan. (poster)

C.H. Lin, C. C. Wu*, (Dec, 2008) “Label-Free Impedimetric Immuno-Sensor for the Detection of Enrofloxacin”, 13th International Conference in Biomedical Engineering, Singapore . (Oral)


蔡林彥廷, 吳靖宙*, (May, 2007), “以氧氣消耗量評估生物活性之細胞晶片的研發”, 2007第十三屆化學感測科技研討會, 義守大學, 高雄縣.

吳惠芳, 傅世宇, 吳靖宙*, (May, 2007), “整合微注入系統之微型Clark式氧氣感測晶片的研發”, 2007第十屆工程科技與中西醫藥應用研討會, 中興大學, 台中市.

袁佳吟, 吳靖宙*, (May, 2007) “探討基材之親水性與極性對細胞貼附度的影響”, 2007第十屆工程科技與中西醫藥應用研討會, 中興大學, 台中市. <

歐俊廷, 吳靖宙*, (May, 2007) “微過濾晶片於血漿血球分離的研發”, 2007第十屆工程科技與中西醫藥應用研討會, 中興大學, 台中市.

C. C. Wu*, H.N. Luk, Y. T. Tsai Lin, C. Y. Yung, (september, 2007)”Fabrication of Clark-based cell chip for estimating metabolic activity of mammalian cells”, 58th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Banff, Canada.

林家鴻, 康世緯、吳靖宙*,(Dec 2007)“電化學阻抗分析法於Enrofloxacin免疫感測器之研發”, 2007農機與生機論文發表會, 台灣大學, 台北市.

蔣惠敏, 吳靖宙*,(Dec 2007)“整合安培偵測器之毛細管電泳晶片於Salbutamol的檢測”, 2007農機與生機論文發表會, 台灣大學, 台北市.

楊子逸, 吳靖宙*,(Dec 2007)“結合三維對極式導電度法之毛細管電泳晶片的開發”, 2007農機與生機論文發表會, 台灣大學, 台北市.

林瑋宸, 傅世宇, 吳靖宙*,(Dec 2007) “用於評估細胞活性之微pH 感測晶片的研發”, 2007生物醫學工程科技研討會, 逢甲大學, 台中市。


C. C. Wu*, T. Yasukawa, H. Abe, H. Hoshi, H. Shiku, T. Matsue (January 2006), “Micro-fluidic chip integrated with amperometric sensors for estimating oxygen consumption of single bovine embryo”, 2th International Meeting on Microsensor and Microsystems, Tainan, Taiwan.

蔡林彥廷, 吳靖宙*, (May 2006) “以氧氣消耗量來評估生物活性之細胞晶片的製作”, 2006 年工程科技與中西醫學應用研討會, 逢甲大學.

吳惠芳, 吳靖宙*, (May 2006) “可量測生物氧需求之微小化流動式注入分析系統的研發”, 2006年第十二屆化學感測器科技研討會, 北台科學技術學院.

C. C. Wu*, H. F. Wu, (June, 2006), “A miniaturized Clark-Oxygen Chip Integrated with a Flow Injection system for Antibiotic Susceptibility Test,” the 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology (APCOT 2006), Singapore (oral)

C. H. Chen, C.C. Wu(corresponding author), T.Y. Yang, H.C. Chang, (June, 2006) “Effect of channel Aspect Ratio of Capillary Electrophoresis Microchip Integrated with Amperometric detectors on Decoupler Efficient and Separation Characteristics”, the 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology (APCOT 2006), National Singapore University , Singapore.

C. C. Wu*, (October, 2006) “Development of Miniaturized Clark-Oxygen Chip and Its Application to Estimation of Cell Activity”, 3rd International Symposium of Environmental Biotechnology, Tainan, Taiwan. (Oral)

袁佳吟, 吳靖宙*, (October, 2006)“探討表面修飾技術於聚二甲基矽氧烷(poly(dimethylsiloxane)基材之親水性與細胞貼附的影響”, 2006年生物機電工程研討會, 嘉義大學, 嘉義.

吳惠芳, 吳靖宙*, (October, 2006), “可量測生物氧需求之微小化流動式注入分析系統的研發”, 2006年生物機電工程研討會, 嘉義大學, 嘉義

楊子逸, 陳哲雄, 吳靖宙*, (December, 2006), “結合三維對極式電導度量測法之毛細管電泳晶片的開發”, 2006生物醫學工程科技研討會, 台灣大學, 臺北市.

蔡林彥廷, 陸翔寧, 吳靖宙*,(December, 2006), “以氧氣消耗量評估生物活性之細胞晶片的製作”, 2006生物醫學工程科技研討會, 台灣大學, 臺北市.

袁佳吟, 林毓芬, 王渭賢, 吳靖宙*, (December, 2006), “探討聚二甲基矽氧烷基材之親水性與極性對細胞附著行為的影響“, 2006生物醫學工程科技研討會, 台灣大學, 臺北市.

吳惠芳, 曾志明, 吳靖宙*, (December, 2006), “可量測生物氧需求之微型流動注入式Clark式晶片的研發“, 2006生物醫學工程科技研討會, 台灣大學, 臺北市.


丁信智, 張炳華, 吳靖宙, 賴民峰, 張憲彰 (Nov. 2005), “Characterization of self-assembled monolayers with different chain lengths by impedance spectroscopy”,94年度中華民國生醫材料暨藥物制放科學研討會,清華大學,新竹.

丁信智, 張炳華, 吳靖宙, 賴民峰, 張憲彰 (Nov.2005),“電阻抗定量分析微量生化分子”,中華民國94年材料科學研討會,淡江大學.

W. R. Chen, C. W. Wang, W. R. Lin, C. C. Wu, H. C. Chang (Dec., 2005), 以“Study on the Cell Mechanical Behavior Using Micro-pillars Sensing Array”, 2005 International Symposium on Nano Bioengineering (ISBN), Chung Yen University, Chung-Li, Taiwan.


C. C. Wu, T. Yasukawa, H. Shiku, H. Abe, H. Hoshi, T. Matsue (July 2004), “A Microfluidic Chip Integrated with Electrochemical Multi-Detectors to Measure the Oxygen Consumption of Single Bovine Embryo”, International Conference on Electric Engineering 2004, Sapporo, Japan.

C. C. Wu, T. Yasukawa, H. Shiku, T. Matsue (September 2004), “Microfabrication of Assembly-Type Oxygen Biosensor”, 5th International Symposium on Electrochemical Micro & Nanosystem Technologies, Tokyo, Japan.