
News of BMMAS Lab

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實驗室論文發表 (Publicatoins)

【恭賀Congratulation】 吳靖宙教授獲得2023年Distinguished Scientist Award

2024/01/25-2024/02/01 吳靖宙教授出訪印度New Dehli, Agar city 與Jaipur city,在International Workshop on "Recent Advances in Nanomaterials: Applications and Future Trends" 與International Conference on Recent Advancement in Sustainable Nano-Science and Technology擔任邀請invited speaker 與chairperson,並獲得Nano & Molecular Society of India的2023 Distinguished Scientist Award。

恭喜楊秉豐以『整合同心圓階梯狀微結構之溶氣電極陣列晶片於胚胎呼吸活性的快速評估』參加2023年台灣生殖醫學年會Prize Paper優秀論文摘要獎

恭賀Congratulation】劉冠廷同學參加2023年International Conference on Smart Sensors (ICSS) 榮獲 Best Poster Award

恭喜劉冠廷、楊秉豐、吳靖宙, 以『Electrochemical impedimetric peptide aptasensor for label-free detection of  human chorionic gonadotropin』參加2023年International Conference on Smart Sensors (ICSS) , Best Poster Award




狂賀!本系吳靖宙老師指導干芳偉同學以『Lable-Free Protein Detection by Using A Three-Electrode Copper Phosphate Deposited Chip and Molecular Weight Cut-Off Filters for Disease Diagnosisof Periparturient Cows』 


【恭賀Congratulation】莊育陞同學參加2021年International Conference on Smart Sensors (ICSS) 榮獲Distinguished Award 

狂賀!本系吳靖宙老師指導莊育陞同學以『Antibody-Free Impedimetric sensors for the Rapid Detection of Foodborne Bacteria with immunomagnetic beads』 

參加2021年International Conference on Smart Sensors (ICSS)榮獲大會Distinguished Award,特此恭賀!!

恭賀Congratulation林昱成同學之研究獲得2021未來科技獎 (2021 Future Technology Award granted by Ministry of Science and Technology )

狂賀!本系吳靖宙老師指導  林昱成同學之研究【快速檢測磷酸根之離子選擇性感測晶片】獲得2021未來科技獎,特此恭賀!!

相關技術說明將在以下連結中展示 Technique presentation in youtubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tcSEc5erVg 
