
Note: Looking for slides about my work at Google? Although I've given some public talks, I generally can't share the slides. Here are some presentations about my earlier work.

Invited Talks and Tutorials

  • "Probabilistic Reasoning about Large or Unknown Worlds". Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California, Oct. 18, 2011 [PowerPoint].
  • "Inference on Relational Models Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo". Tutorial at the 23rd Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), Vancouver, BC, July 19, 2007 [PowerPoint].
  • "First-Order Probabilistic Models: Into the Unknown". Invited talk (substituting for Stuart Russell) at the 16th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP), Aug. 27, 2006 [PowerPoint] [PDF].
  • "First-Order Probabilistic Models: Into the Unknown". Tutorial with Stuart Russell at NeurIPS, Dec. 5, 2005 [PowerPoint] [PDF].

Guest Lectures

  • "Probabilistic Reasoning about Possible Worlds". Lecture at the IPAM Graduate Summer School on Probabilistic Models of Cognition, Los Angeles, CA, July 8, 2011 [PowerPoint] [PDF].
  • "BLOG: Probabilistic Models with Unknown Objects". Guest lecture in CS 282 (Probabilistic Reasoning), Harvard University, Nov. 29, 2007 [PowerPoint] [PDF].
  • Guest lectures in 9.66 (Computational Cognitive Science), MIT: "Relational Probability Models" on Nov. 27, 2007 [PowerPoint] [PDF] and "Learning and Structural Uncertainty in RPMs" on Nov. 29, 2007 [PowerPoint] [PDF].
  • Lectures at the IPAM Graduate Summer School on Probabilistic Models of Cognition, Los Angeles, CA, July 16, 2007: "Relational Probability Models" [PowerPoint] and "Unknown Objects and BLOG" [PowerPoint].
  • "First-Order Probabilistic Models". Guest lecture in 9.66 (Computational Cognitive Science), MIT, December 7, 2006 [PowerPoint] [PDF].
  • "BLOG: Probabilistic Models with Unknown Objects". Guest lecture in CS 289, UC Berkeley, Dec. 6, 2004 [PowerPoint] [PDF].

Conference Talks

Please email me if you would like slides from talks that are not listed here.

  • "Lifted Probabilistic Inference with Counting Formulas". Presentation at AAAI, July 17, 2008 [PowerPoint].
  • "BLOG: Probabilistic Models with Unknown Objects". Presentation at IJCAI, August 3, 2005 [PowerPoint].