Bouldering in the center zone of the Iberian Peninsula. LA CABRERA. Madrid. Spain.

Our friend and climber Javi presents the result of his work of many monts: a new guide of bouldering in La Cabrera.

“La Cabrera” is located to 1,000 Mts. of altitude, this conditions the continental climate that has with winters usually dry, cold and normally sunny, perfect for this type of rock, in summer, due to the altitude the heat is not excessive avoiding the sun.

Boulders of "Peña Caballera" under the snow, very usual last winters. Photo by DAN c)2009

Enjoy bouldering in the granite of the central zone of the Iberian Peninsula. Blocks of all forms, sizes and colors. Granite of orange color and fine grain..

All degrees you need, if it is that your interests, the degree. The problems are divided and indicated in 4 groups: Up to 6º (yellow), sixth (red), seventh (white) and eighth (don´t indicated), and separate they are the projects (black).

Few water sources outside the urban nucleo exist, the best thing is to get the water there. Also there are all type of commerces, even warehouses, bars with sandwiches, pizzerias, and restaurants. In order to sleep there is a camping in the town and several more near, there are several hotels when being alongside A-1 highway.