Source code

BLING was originally designed for use in the GFDL ocean models, and is available for download from the GFDL sourceforge archive.

The full GFDL module code is also available at the bottom of this page, in the form of the raw FORTRAN90 text. Whenever significant improvements to the simulation are made, a new code version will be posted here.

BLING has also been ported to the UVic model, and ports are in progress to the MITgcm and ROMS, with a port to NEMO planned for the near future.

We welcome any attempt to port BLING to other ocean models - please contact if interested.

Making your own BLING!

BLING is designed with a streamlined structure, to be readily adapted to specific scientific purposes. We encourage modification of the basic code, by adding new tracers, or whatever else is required.

However, in order to keep model version from proliferating out of control (and becoming undocumentable) we suggest that users do not alter the core behaviour of the model - i.e. the simulations of PO4, DOP, O2 and Fed - without careful consideration, at least as far as publications go. And, if you come up with a way to improve the simulation, please let us know!

Naming convention

Each time a different version of the model code is used in a publication, we encourage the authors to archive the full code here. This aids in assuring reproducibility of results, as well as helping with documentation.

The suggested naming convention is:


where # is the version number, referring to the core model behaviour, and extradescription refers to additional alterations specific to the given code version, or a release date.

Brief description of code archived here:

generic_BLING.v0.felims.F90: This is the code used for the iron-light colimitation experiments described in Galbraith, Gnanadesikan, Dunne and Hiscock, Biogeosciences 2010. The netcdf file includes 1-year averages of the iron-cycle fields from the documented run (configuration AllVar).