Homepage of Henry Mitchell Jr - Blind Artist

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Henry Thomas Mitchell Jr. was born in Philadelphia PA on July 30, 1929 to the late Henry Thomas Mitchell Sr of Charleston SC & the late Gertrude Jessie Locklear of Oxford NC. Henry Jr passed away peacefully at the age of 87 years old in Darby PA while in hospice care after a brief illness.

The photos above show him around the 1970's with one of his seeing-eye dogs named Ella, a bas relief copper sculpture that he made & a 100-pound clay sculpture that he made called "Checkering It Out".

He attended & graduated from Philadelphia's Central High School in 1949, then he earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at Temple University, Stella E. Tyler School of Fine Arts in June of 1960. He is the school's first totally blind graduate. He still plans to complete his studies towards a Masters Degree.

He was married to my mother, the late Margaret Rebekah Jenkins (Bain) of Baltimore MD who passed away in 2008, then to the late Barbara Griffin of Rutland VT who passed away in 2006.

From his first marriage to Margaret came his son & only child, Logan Mitchell Sr, who lives in Baltimore MD with his wife Fanny Mitchell. They have four children - Logan Mitchell Jr, Henry Mitchell III, James Mitchell & Janelle Mitchell. From two of those grandchildren (Henry III & Janelle) comes three great-granddaughters - Jaila Mitchell, Janiya McDaniel & McKenzie Taylor.

Henry's 3rd youngest grandson, James, has followed in his footsteps as a young artist as well - https://sites.google.com/site/jamestmitchellbaltimoreartiste/home

5th Annual SCS Art Show 2009

Henry's Paintings and Sculptures

Photos of Family & Friends - STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION


1. "Blind Artist benefits from a unique program for the Homebound" - http://www.scs-delco.org/news/5/762

2. "Blind art instructor at Heritage House" - http://digital.library.temple.edu/cdm/singleitem/collection/p15037coll3/id/9396/rec/8

My Father's Model Railroad - the website link below shows a model railroad in N-scale that I've been periodically working on for him since January 2013. We started talking about doing this back in the late 1960's & it has now finally come to reality. Since he & I both love trolleys, light rail & subway trains, he has decided to call his layout "Glenside Traction".


Logan Mitchell Sr - ProwlerRaven32@hotmail.com

This website was created on 06/08/2009 & last updated by Logan Mitchell Sr on 03/05/2022. All Rights Reserved © 2009 - 2022.