
Friends of Black Hill and in particular founding member Albert Golden, have constructed and placed close to eighty nesting boxes in the Reserve. Most recently 12 boxes designed specifically for small bats have been placed around the Circuit Track.

There is concern for endangered species such as Brush Tailed Phascogale or Tuan and for the Sugar Gliders. Naturally, the boxes are appreciated by others, possums, birds, bats and even bees.

Among the residents of the reserve and surrounding countryside, are Wallabies, Kangaroos, Echidnas, Ring and Bushy Tail Possums, Bats, Lizards, Frogs, yabbies, an occasional Snake, lots of insects, and from spring to autumn masses of Monarch Butterflys.

Dusk and dawn are the best time to spot animals on the move, many seeking quiet shady spots during the day. Echidnas however seem to be on the go all day searching for ants, oblivious to what is going on around them!

Sadly there are also the feral visitors such as foxes, cats and rabbits.

Koalas from Phillip Island were released at Black Hill in 1944, but today only the occasional koala may be seen passing through on it's way to somewhere else. If you stay on the lookout you may be lucky, koalas are most often seen, fast asleep, lodged in the forks of trees.

Possums and Phascogales will not be about in the daytime, they are best seen with spotlights at dusk or after dark.