National Trails Day Followup

Post date: Jun 4, 2012 9:32:08 PM

Everyone got wet and nearly everyone ended up caked in mud. Despite the thunderstorms everyone finished with smiles and a sense of accomplishment. With 23 volunteers, a Big Dummy with chainsaws, a

couple of horses, a mules, and a bunch of bikes we managed to clear nearly every trail around Warm Springs Ridge. 40 miles of single track now have 200 fewer fallen trees.

With some much help we managed to have 4 crews spread out. One headed up to Two Good Cabin. One cleared Fire Creek and were rewarded with a descent down a cleared Warm Springs Ridge. A horse team cleared down Warm Springs Ridge from the junction with Fire Creek. The last crew turned left at the top of Fire Creek and rode the ridge to Porcupine Saddle, and then down Porcupine Creek to Two Good cabin from the other side.

Luckily the rain held until the afternoon, the trails cleared and everyone was on the way out and heading back for some justly deserved beverages and food. So next time you ride down Warm Springs and you think how nice it is to not have to stop and climb over a log, say a silent word of thanks to those 23.