About Christina


Christina serves on the Editorial Board of Plant Ecology

Christina is the co-founder and Lead-convener of Ecological Society of Australia Plant-Soil Ecology Research Chapter

Originally from Estonia, Christina developed interest for plant invasion ecology during BSc and MSc at the Estonian University of Life Sciences, where she studied the distribution and growth dynamics of invasive Solidago canadensis L. (Canadian goldenrod) with Tiiu Kull. During her studies, between 2005 – 2008, Christina also worked as a project manager and national representative for Estonia at NOBANIS (European Network on Invasive Alien Species) being responsible for compiling and updating Estonian invasive species information on plants, mammals, invertebrates and birds, compiling specific factsheets for the most invasive species in the region. 

In 2008, Christina relocated to Sydney, Australia supported by highly competitive MQRES Scholarship to commence her PhD with Michelle Leishman (2008 - 2012) at Macquarie University, Australia. Her PhD project investigated the role of soil microbes in the invasion success of weedy acacias in Australia. 

In 2012, Christina commenced work first as a Research Assistant, then as Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2014-2017) with Neal J. Enright at Murdoch University in Perth, Australia studying the effects of climate change on soil fungal communities, the role of soil microbes in restoration ecology and other projects. In 2017, Christina moved to New Orleans, Louisiana, USA to commence her Postdoc with Emily C. Farrer at Tulane University.  There, she helped establish long term Phragmites australis sites to study the effects of this invasive species on belowground soil communities. Between 2020 - 2022, Christina was a Research Fellow with the Blue Carbon Lab at School of Life & Env. Sciences at Deakin University and Samantha Grover in the School of Science at RMIT University, Australia.