R&D Projects


    • Funding Agency: Boğaziçi University - BAP

    • Duration: 2021.04.15 - 2023.10.15

    • Budget: ~247 335 TL

    • Principal Investigator: H. Birkan YILMAZ

    • Host Institution: Bogazici University

    • Project's Web Page: CONNECT: Localizing Drone Signals

TUBITAK 2232 - International Fellowship for Outstanding Researchers

    • Funding Agency: TUBITAK

    • Duration: 2020.02.01 - 2023.02.01

    • Budget: ~2 700 000 TL

    • Principal Investigator: H. Birkan YILMAZ

    • Host Institution: Bogazici University

    • Project's Web Page: Molecular Signal Source Localization

Here you can find the flyer of the project


Molecular communication (MC) establishes organized behavior in both multi-cellular organisms and social collective action. In recent years, concurrent efforts have been made to design synthetic engineered MC systems in different scales, where the information is carried via molecules. Most of the existing research on MC is theoretical where the results are verified via simulations. IEEE determined MC as one of the communication technology trends in 2017 and has established a standardization group (IEEE 1906.1) to address the various challenges of MC in a methodological and inclusive manner. Moreover, TUBITAK included MC technologies in “1003 Primary Subjects R&D Funding Program”. In addition to that, the future direction of MC research is to design and develop experimental testbeds, which will contribute to alternative and novel approaches for real life problems.

Our goal in this project is to develop macro and meso scale testbeds for solving localization problems in an MC-inspired perspective, simulators for localization applications, and analytical models for the molecular signal propagation. Macro scale localization testbed will be a water channel for underwater localization applications such as underwater search & rescue and environmental monitoring. Meso scale localization testbed will be a mock circulatory network similar to human circulatory system for medical applications such as cancer cell localization, targeted drug delivery, and intra-body NEMS/MEMS coordination. In both testbeds, we will employ MC-inspired localization techniques, which rely on molecular signals in challenging environments. Designing and implementing MC-inspired localization in challenging environments has potential to pave the way for complex and driving MC applications. The accumulation of the knowledge and the experience will form the basis for our planned future project proposals to very competitive ERC or FET programs. The proposed project has an interdisciplinary structure, which is related to communication theory, fluid dynamics, and medical science.

Beatriu de Pinós - BP2016

    • Funding Agency: AGAUR (Generalitat de Catalunya)

    • Duration: 2017.11.02 - 2019.11.01

    • Budget: 86 000 € + 6 000 €

    • Responsible Investigator: Ilker Seyfettin Demirkol

    • Host Institution: Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC)


The overall objective of this project is to devise a novel Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) solution for underwater applications such as chemical source/leakage localisation by exploiting the Molecular Communication (MC) concept. MC is a relatively new interdisciplinary research paradigm that is related to the field of: communications, nanotechnology, biotechnology, fluid dynamics, and chemical engineering. In MC, molecules are utilized to convey information which can be observed in nature (e.g., quorum sensing between bacteria at the micro-scales and pheromone-based communication at the macro-scales in both air and water environments).


    • Underwater Chemical Propagation Simulator (M1 – M6; 6 months)

    • Testbed Development & Channel Modeling (M5 – M12; 8 months)

    • Simulator Enhancements for Localisation Applications (M11 – M15; 5 months)

    • Developing Chemical Source Localisation Algorithms (M15 – M21; 7 months)

    • Designing and Evaluation of MC Testbed for Simple Messaging (M21 – M24; 4 months)

Achievements & Deliverables:


    • (2012 - 2014) NaMi: Molecular Communication in Nanonetworks - TUBITAK

    • (2012 - 2014) DMP: Disaster Management Platform - PoC Ericsson-ENSIC

    • (2013 - 2014) Smart Coverage: Telenity Inc.

    • (2009 - 2012) TAM: Telecommunications Research Center - DPT

    • (2009 - 2012) CORNEA: COgnitive Radio NEtwork Architecture - TUBITAK & FP7 COST Action IC0902

    • (2006 - 2009) SatLab: Satellite Networks Research Laboratory - DPT

    • (2004 - 2006) NGWS: Next Generation Wireless Systems - TUBITAK