
            (with Shiv Dutt Sharma and P. R. Vaidyanathan), The Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory, FCT'2019,  229-242 (pdf)          (Best Paper Award)

            (with Shiv Dutt Sharma), The International Computer Science Symposium in Russia, CSR'2019, 80-92 (pdf)

            (with Anirban Dasgupta, Murali Krishna Enduri and Vinod Reddy), Information Processing Letters, 139: 64-67, 2018. (Link)

            (with Murali Krishna Enduri, Neeldhara Misra, and Vinod Reddy), CALDAM 2018, 221-234. (pdf)

            (with Murali Krishna Enduri, and Vinod Reddy), WALCOM 2018, 252-264. (pdf)

            (with Patrick Scharpfenecker and Jacobo Torán), Information and Computation, 253: 236-447, 2017. (Link)

            (with Eric Allender), Information and Computation, 256: 2-8, 2017. (Conference version: MFCS 2014, Best Paper Award) (ECCC version)

            (with Murali Krishna Enduri, Neeldhara Misra, and Vinod Reddy), CALDAM 2017:118-129. (pdf)

            (with Murali Krishna Enduri and Vinod Reddy), Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), 2017 (Conference COCOON'2016) (pdf)

           (with Murali Krishna Enduri and Vinod Reddy) WALCOM 2015: 329-334 (pdf)

            (with V. Arvind,  J. Köbler, S. Toda),  Algorithmica 71(1): 120-138 (2015) (Conference version FSTTCS 2010). (pdf)

            (with Bireswar Das, Patrick Scharpfenecker, Jacobo Torán), LATA 2014: 285-296. (pdf)

             (with Samir Datta, Prajakta Nimbhorka), Theory Comput. Syst. 53(4): 669-689 (2013), (conference version STACS 2010) (pdf).

            (with V. Arvind, J. Köbler, S. Kuhnert)  Inf. Comput. 217: 1-11 (2012) (Few results appeared in the conference ISAAC 2007) (pdf)

            (with  Jacobo Torán, Fabian Wagner)  Inf. Comput. 217: 71-83 (2012). (Conference version STACS 2010). (pdf)

            (with  Manjish Pal, Vijay Visavaliya),  Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 18: 146 (2011). (pdf)

            (with V. Arvind and  Partha Mukhopadhyay), J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 76(7): 509-523 (2010) (Conference version ISAAC 2006) (pdf)

            (with V. Arvind) Special Issue Theory Comput. Syst. 43(2): 100-117 (2008) (Conference version CSR 2006) (pdf)

            (with V. Arvind,  Johannes Köbler) CSR 2008: 40-51. (pdf)

            (with V. Arvind, Partha Mukhopadhyay) COCOON 2006: 126-135. (pdf)

            (with R. Siromoney) Aspects of Molecular Computing 2004: 361-366.

            (with R. Siromoney) Bulletin of the EATCS 79: 170-177 (2003).