
Biome Bundle is a set of configuration and structure files created to work with Open Terrain Generator

The content in Biome Bundle consists of 4 main parts:


    • Each world is unique with a huge possible variety of randomly generated biomes, including vanilla ones re-imagined alongside many, many custom ones.
    • The terrain height, volatility, climate and block composition of each biome has been fully customised and utilises the full potential of Minecraft's height limit to generate almost every imaginable landscape.
    • Biome Bundle aims to stick to the vanilla 'feel' as much as possible while making things more realistic in places, and more fantastical in others!

Custom Objects:

    • Every generated world contains hundreds of custom trees, boulders and other features with many biomes containing their own unique terrain objects!

Custom Structures:

    • In addition to the usual strongholds, mineshafts and villages scattered across the world, there are other ruins, buildings and dungeons to discover - both under and over ground.


    • Some biomes have custom mob spawning rules, for instance the Enchanted Forest has a much higher chance of spawning witches and the Ender Forest more Endermen!