What is Biome Bundle?

Biome Bundle is world preset for Open Terrain Generator. It is a completely custom world generator containing a huge pack of hundreds of original biomes, complete with hundreds of custom trees, rocks, caves, dungeons and much, much more.

Each world you generate will be utterly unique, with a huge amount of variety between world seeds. It overhauls world generation to combine both realistic and fantasy landscapes while remaining as true to the vanilla Minecraft 'feel' as possible. If you would like a more in depth explanation click here.

What version of Minecraft do I need?

Biome Bundle requires OTG and will always support the latest version that OTG supports for both Forge and Spigot.

Is it survival friendly?

The aim of this project is to provide a more interesting survival and exploration experience in Minecraft without adding any custom blocks, mobs or anything that feels out of place in the vanilla game. Mob spawning is also customised for some biomes (such as an Ender Forest which spawns more Endermen) and custom structures spawn alongside vanilla ones.

Where do I download it?

Downloads can be found on curseforge with installation instructions over at the OTG wiki. More Info about compatibility with other mods and minecraft versions can be found in the FAQ. Alternatively come and give your feedback over at /r/biomebundle or join the OTG discord server: https://discord.gg/UXzdVTH