ZIEGLER, Jean. UN right to food & human rights expert: Biofuel from food crops "a crime against humanity”
Jean Ziegler (born April 19, 1934) is a former professor of sociology at the University of Geneva and the Sorbonne, Paris. He was a Member of Parliament for the Social Democrats in the Swiss Federal Parliament from 1981 to 1999. Nominated by Switzerland, he was the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food from 2000 to April 2008. On 26 March 2008, he was elected for one year into the UN Human Rights Council Advisory Committee (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Ziegler ).
Professor Jean Ziegler on biofuel perversion as "a crime against humanity” (2007): “the effect of transforming hundreds and hundreds of thousands of tons of maize, of wheat, of beans, of palm oil, into agricultural fuel is absolutely catastrophic for the hungry people …So it's a crime against humanity — it's a crime against humanity to convert agricultural productive soil into soil [for biofuel crops]... which will be burned into biofuel. What has to be stopped is ... the growing catastrophe of the massacre (by) hunger in the world." [1].
[1]. Edith Lederer, “Production of biofuels is a “crime””, The Independent, 27 October 20007: http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/green-living/production-of-biofuels-is-a-crime-398066.html .