
Recent Highlights

Ciliary oscillations driven by molecular motors cause fluid motion at micron scale. Stable oscillations require a significant source of dissipation to balance the energy input of motors. Conventionally, it stems from external fluid. We have shown, in contrast, that external fluid friction is negligible compared to internal elastic stress through a simultaneous measurement of motion and flow field of an isolated and active Chlamydomonas cilium. Consequently, internal friction emerges as the sole source of dissipation for ciliary oscillations. We combine these experimental insights with theoretical modeling of active filaments to show that an instability to oscillations takes place when active stresses are strain-softening and shear-thinning.

DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abb0503

Buckling and wrinkling instabilities are failure modes of elastic sheets that are avoided in the traditional material design. Recently, a new paradigm has appeared where these instabilities are instead being utilized for high-performance applications. Multiple approaches such as heterogeneous gelation, capillary stresses, and confinement have been used to shape thin macroscopic elastic sheets. However, it remains a challenge to shape two-dimensional self-assembled monolayers at colloidal or molecular length scales. We have shown the existence of a curvature instability that arises during the crystallisation of finite-sized monolayer membranes of chiral colloidal rods. While the bulk of the membrane crystallizes, its edge remains fluid like and exhibits chiral ordering. The resulting internal stresses cause the flat membrane to buckle macroscopically and wrinkle locally. Our results demonstrate an alternate pathway based on intrinsic stresses instead of the usual external ones to assemble non-Euclidean sheets at the colloidal length scale.

DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-01441-3

Phototaxis is one of the most fundamental stimulus-response behaviors in biology wherein motile microorganisms sense light gradients to swim toward the light source. We study phototaxis of single-celled algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii as a function of cell number density and light stimulus using high spatiotemporal video microscopy. Surprisingly, the phototactic efficiency has a minimum at a well-defined number density, for a given light gradient, above which the phototaxis behavior of a collection of cells can even exceed the performance obtainable from single isolated cells. We have shown that the origin of enhancement of performance above the critical concentration lies in the slowing down of the cells, which enables them to sense light more effectively. We have also shown that this steady-state phenomenology is well captured by modeling the phototactic response as a density-dependent torque acting on an active Brownian particle.

DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2019.09.016