
P.I. (Principle investigator)

Prof. Nam Jeong Hun 

Affiliation: Department of Digital Bio-tech, Jaeneung University, Incheon, 21987, Korea
Major: Biofluid/blood flow, Hemorheology/hemodynamics, Thermal&fluid dynamics, Microfluidics, Ai-based clinical diagnostic techniques

Email: jhnam77@gmail dot com, (10139901)
연구실적: 클릭


"Studied on separation, enrichment, detection and post-analysis of disease-related rare cells"

"Studied on blood flow in the microcirculation: influence of hemorheological disorders"

"Studied on non-newtonian fluid-based biological particle manipulation"

"Studied on SAW-based cell manipulation technique"

"Studied on nano-scale particle manipulation in a microfluidic device"

"Participated in development of microfluidic platform for nano-scale particle detection and separation"

"Participated in development of platelet multi-function analyzer based on a microfluidic device"

"Participated in development of electric MEMS device for early-detection of vascular diseases by studying electro-hemorheology"

"Participated in development of continuous particle/cell separation technique using standing surface acoustic waves (SSAWs) in a microfluidic device"

"Participated in development of automated system for hemorheological property measurement"

"Participated in development of microfluidic-based hemorheological property measurement techniques in clinical settings"

"Studied on in vitro biological particle manipulation using 1) acoustic forces and 2) viscoelastic fluid flow"

"Soft lithography fabrication and microfluidic experiment assistant (micro-mixing)"




> COMSOL (Multi-Physics) | Bio-MEMS, Microfluidic Simulation

> Flow 3D | the flow simulation in open channel

> Photolithography | positive resists (AZ series (AZ1512, AZ4620) & negative resists (all SU-8 series)

> Micro/Nano mold fabrication | SAM (self-assembled monolayer) patterning, the fabrication of nano-fluidic channel using Nafion

> Plastic to PDMS bonding | surface modification/patterning using ATPS, GTPS

> Rheological properties control of RBC | RBC deformability & aggregation control

> Cell staining skills | Giemsa or Fluorescent treatment

> FACS | Blood sample (WBC, RBC, Platelet, etc) distribution, Platelet activation test

> SEM | Biological or engineered nano particles

> AFM | Tap mode (micro/nano topogram analysis), LFM mode (surface energy evaluation)

> Image analysis | Image-Pro, ImageJ

> Microchip & mechanical design | AutoCAD, SolidWorks, Fusion360

> Plotting | Sigmaplot, Origin

> Graphics & illustration | Adobe Photoshop, Sketch-up

> Movie making | Sony Vegas, Adobe Premier

> Website building & management | Wordpress, Movable type, HTML, FLASH, Dreamweaver