Places to visit in Hong Kong

1. Must visit attractions: (1) Take the Star Ferry from Tsim Sha Tsui to Wan Cha or Central (very cheap, one trip costs HK$ 3.7 only); (2) Go to the Peak; (3) Hike in Dragon's Back trail; (4) Hike to Lion's Rock; (5) Visit Tai O Fishing Village; (6) Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery (Easy to get, MTR to Shatin Station, exit from A2, walk for about 6oo meters)

2. 3 ways to go to Victoria Peak: By Peak Tram, Bus 15 from Central Bus Terminus, Mid-level escalator and then walk

3. Dragon's Back: in Hong Kong Island

4. Lion's Rock: between Shatin and Kowloon. You can start from either Kowloon (Won Tai Sin MTR station) or Shatin (Tai Wai MTR station)

5. Ma On Shan Trail: between Shatin and Sai Kung. Start from Ma On Shan BBQ site.