
Workouts For Swim Coaches

This app is no longer available for download. Please try the new Workouts X app.

  • Version 5.0 is now Available for your iPad (iOS 5 +)
    • version 5.00 released March 2015
    • version 1 originally released August 23, 2011
  • Create workouts directly on your iPad and Email them to other coaches
  • Record Test Sets (new in version 4.0)
  • Sync and share through your DropBox or iCloud Drive
    • Imports Team Manager Workouts
    • New and improved for version 5.0
    • iCloud Drive supported on iOS 8 or higher
  • Highly configurable
    • Use your terminology
    • Save Favorite Sets and Circuits
  • Run the workout using the built in Pace Clock
  • Great reason to get that iPad you’ve always wanted!!
  • Special thanks to A-Style Ad Agency for the super sweet graphics.
    • Send me an email if you want A-Style to design super sweet graphics for your app.

Notes on Exporting to Team Manager

    • A fix for exporting to Team Manager was added to Workouts version 4.03. Please make sure you are running this version.
    • To get exports working properly, you must make some changes in the Workouts app to match the energy codes in Team Manager. Team Manager writes the index associated with the Energy code list in their application. This index must be specified in the TM Id field for the Energy values. The defaults values in the US version of Team Manager is:
      • 1 - REC
      • 2 - EN1
      • 3 - EN2
      • 4 - EN3
      • 5 - SP1
      • 6 - SP2
      • 7 - SP3

Version 3.0 Notes

  • Old Version 3.0 User Guide Click HERE
  • Really Old Version Guide
    • Click HERE to download the Workouts User Guide (pdf format)
    • Release notes for version 2.00 -> CLICK HERE (pdf format)