
2019 Committee

2019 President  Vice President

2019 Presidents Lunch

2018 Probus at Tissington

Bodelwyddan Castle Hotel Nov 2019

2022 President Kay Lawson

2022 President Kay Lawson with vice President Pauline Hodges

2022 President Kay  Lawson with Vice President and Committee

2022 Presidents Luncheon

2023 Presidents Lunch

2023/24 President Pauline Hodges

2023  Presidents Lunch

Probus Group at Jodrell Bank  Sept 2023

Left to right Pauline Hodges, David Ludlow, Graeme Court and Ann Bailey-2024 AGM

Left to right Pauline Hodges Outgoing President, David Ludlow 2024/25 President and Graeme Court Vice President