About Us
Welcome to the Bicycle Re-Source of Bend
dedicated to connecting bikes with people who need wheels
Bicycle Re-Source of Bend is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit community organization founded by Mike Martin and Jeff Schuler in December of 2010. Our dedicated team works tirelessly along with many of our key volunteers by taking in donated bikes, then rebuilding and refurbishing them at our small Central Oregon location. The remaining unusable parts, we attempt to recycle or donate ( ...the environment is important too.) We are open to the public on Sundays from 9 am -12 noon. We accept bicycle and monetary donations from anyone who can help. Once bikes are rebuilt (with any parts that may be needed) and checked for safety, we fulfill requests from community outreach organizations (including churches, schools, charities and government agencies). Many times the bike is a person's only form of transportation.