
"Human-Robot Interactions in Investment Decisions" (with Marie Brière) - April 2024 - [link] - Management Science, accepted (and reproduced)

Review Article: "Robo-Advising: Less AI and More XAI?" (with Marie Brière) - in Machine Learning And Data Sciences For Financial Markets: A Guide To Contemporary Practices - Cambridge University Press (2023) - [link]

"Are We Becoming Greener? Life-time Experiences and Responsible Investment" (with G. Wang and Z. Liu) - July 2022 - [link]

"Return Predictability, Expectations, and Investment: Experimental Evidence" (with M. Andries, K. Huynh and S. Pouget) - April 2022 - [link]

"Agency Costs in Small Firms" (with Henri Luomaranta) - April 2022  - [link]

"Bubbles and Crashes with Partially Sophisticated Investors" (with Philippe Jehiel) - December 2010 - [link]

“Mobile Payments and Interoperability: Insights from the Academic Literature“ (with M. Bouvard, R. Gomes, A. Rhodes, V. Shreeti) - Information Economics and Policy, 2023, 65: 101068  [link]

"Equilibrium CEO Contract with Belief Heterogeneity" (with Rose-Anne Dana and Elyès Jouini) - Economic Theory, 2022, 74(2): 505–546 [link]

"Shareholder Heterogeneity, Asymmetric Information, and the Equilibrium Manager" (with Rose-Anne Dana and Elyès Jouini) - Economic Theory, 2022, 73(4): 1101–1134 - [link]

"Bundlers' Dilemmas in Financial Markets with Sampling Investors" (with Philippe Jehiel) - Theoretical Economics, 2020, 15(2): 545–582 [link]

"Ambiguity Preferences and Portfolio Choices: Evidence from the Field" (with Jean-Marc Tallon) - Management Science, 2019, 65(4): 1486-1501. [link]

"Financial Literacy and Portfolio Dynamics" - Journal of Finance, 2018, 73(2): 831-859.  [link] - Coverage: Alpha Architect, Think Forward Initiative

"Financial Reporting and Market Efficiency with Extrapolative Investors" (with Philippe Jehiel) - Journal of Economic Theory, 2015, 157: 842–878. [link]

“Liquidity, Risk, and Occupational Choices” (with Matteo Bobba) - Review of Economic Studies, 2013, 80(2): 491-511[link]

"Immigration Policy and Self-Selecting Migrants" - Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2013, 15(1): 1-23.  [link]

"Financial Development, Entrepreneurship, and Job Satisfaction” - Review of Economics and Statistics, 2012, 94(1): 273-286.  [link]

“Do Immigrants Cause Crime?” (with Paolo Buonanno and Paolo Pinotti) - Journal of the European Economic Association, 2012, 10(6): 1318–1347.  [link]

“Credit Constraints, Entrepreneurial Talent, and Economic Development” - Small Business Economics, 2010, 34(1): 93-104.  [link]

"Is Neoclassical Economics still Entrepreneurless?” (with Magnus Henrekson) - Kyklos, 2005, 58(3): 353-377.  [link]

Of speculators, migrants and entrepreneurs: Essays on the economics of trying your fortune - EFI, The Economic Research Institute, 2007 - [pdf]