curriculum vitae

Bianca Sclavi

Directeur de Recherche 2 at the CNRS

2008. HDR Paris XI

2004. Permanent position as a researcher at the CNRS

1998. PhD with Mark Chance and Michael Brenowitz

Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY

Physiology and Biophysics Department

1992. BA with Johnny Powell and Arthur Glasfeld

Reed College, Portland, OR

Chemistry Department


HFSP renewal 2014-2018.

CEPIFRA, France-Inde 2014-2018.

Financement IDA DEBAL-FLUO 2017-2018.

Financement IDA Digi-Cell 2017-2018.

IDA, ENS Cachan / École Centrale Paris, projets INTERACTIONS - 2013.

CNRS, Prise de risque, 2011.

Financement PRES UniverSud, 2010.

HFSP Young Investigator Award, 2009-2012.

Subvention fixe ARC, 2008-2009.

Travel grant EGIDE, Procope, with Germany, 2007-2008.

ANR grant, "jeunes chercheuses jeunes chercheurs", 2006-2008.

ANRS grant as collaborator of Marc Lavigne (PI) Institut Pasteur, 2005-2006.